"#EarthRepair explores a host of powerful grassroots #bioremediation techniques to assist with the recovery of the lands that nourish us, & to support the work many of us do everyday to grow healthy food & medicine amidst the polluted & damaged #soils of our backyard #gardens, community commons, & wild lands."
These techniques include:
#MicrobialRemediation –
#Phytoremediation –
#EarthRepair #Bioremediation #soils #gardens #microbialremediation #phytoremediation #mycoremediation
I have a mycoremediation question! When fungi are used to break down/remove soil contaminants, those contaminants are hyperconcentrated in the fruiting bodies. So then... how do you dispose of the mushrooms without just putting the contaminants back into the ecosystem in one way or another? #mushtodon #mycology #mycoremediation #bioremediation
#mushtodon #mycology #mycoremediation #bioremediation
in the interest of cultivating mycelial connections here,
i am attempting to overcome my aversion to hashtags. ;)
#agroecología #agroforestry #anarquía #beekeeping #decoloniality #ecocriticism #eds #envhist #envhum
#foodsovereignty #forestgardening #histmed #histsci #historyofscience #horticulturaltherapy #metalsmithing #morethanhuman #mutualaid #mycoremediation#noborders #poetry #punkrock #skepticism #synesthesia
#agroecología #agroforestry #Anarquía #beekeeping #Decoloniality #ecocriticism #eds #envhist #envhum #foodsovereignty #forestgardening #histmed #histsci #historyofscience #horticulturaltherapy #metalsmithing #moreThanHuman #MutualAid #mycoremediation #poetry #PunkRock #skepticism #synesthesia
i’ve been advised to overcome my aversion to hashtags in the interest of cultivating mycelial connections here. so i’m going for it. ;)
#fnb #MutualAid #botany #beekeeping #agroecologia #agroforestry #forestgardening #foodsovereignty #mycoremediation #Decoloniality #Anarquía #noborders #ecocriticism #histsci #historyofscience #envhist #envhum #multispecies #moreThanHuman #nobodycriminalized #poetry #PunkRock #synesthesia #skepticism #metalsmithing #eds
Another #introduction post to utilize hashtags and welcome more folks here!
I’m Naomi. You may know me from twitter with the same handle @amythicwitch or IG with the same sleepyhousehealing.
I’m #ADHD, #Autistic and generally what some would call highly sensitive.
My interests are always evolving but some relevant tags that relate to what I may talk about here are #mycology #mycoremediation #FolkMagic #fungi #foraging #gardening #esoterica #occult #mysticism #herbalism #PlantMedicine #healing
#introduction #adhd #autistic #mycology #mycoremediation #FolkMagic #fungi #foraging #gardening #esoterica #occult #mysticism #herbalism #plantmedicine #healing