#Mushroom for carbon? There is underground
Scientists have discovered how a ‘jaw-dropping’ subterranean carbon sink made entirely of fungi pulls down more than a third of global #CO2 emissions each year – enough to cancel out China’s annual toll.
#Mycorrhiza fungi networks hold 13 gigatons of CO2, making them the “most effective #carbonCapture storage unit in the world,” according to experts at the University of Sheffield, UK, who led the study.
Researchers said that fungi deserves a better standing in conservation efforts, and called for #soil ecosystems to be preserved.
“Mycorrhizal fungi represent a blind spot in #carbon modelling, conservation, and restoration,” said Prof Katie Field, the study’s co-author. “The numbers we’ve uncovered are jaw-dropping. When we’re thinking about solutions for climate, we should also be thinking about what we can harness that exists already.”
#permaculture #carbon #soil #carboncapture #mycorrhiza #co2 #mushroom
Photos from Brian and Luke's work in the TCD botanical garden the past week putting together 100+ pots for an experiment to asess the effect fungal & bacterial inoculation on plant growth and nitrogen/phosphorous absorption. #pbb #mycorrhiza #enviornment #agriculture #botany #microbiology #science #interdisciplinary
#pbb #mycorrhiza #enviornment #agriculture #botany #microbiology #science #interdisciplinary
When #plants feed on #fungi: Novel method enables unrestricted isotope analyses.
#symbiosis #mycorrhiza #orchids
#plants #fungi #symbiosis #mycorrhiza #orchids
Here's a pic from last week when Brian and Luke were out at the study site taking soil samples to see what fungi and bacteria are hanging out in the buffer strip:
#agriculture #mycorrhiza #fungi #microbiology #vbs #science
#agriculture #mycorrhiza #fungi #microbiology #vbs #science
🍄 Schimmels dienden ongeveer 50 miljoen jaar als wortelsystemen van planten totdat planten hun eigen wortelstelsel konden ontwikkelen.
Bekijk deze prachtige nieuwe animatie over mycorrhiza-schimmels van May Kindred-Boothby, ism. SPUN @spununderground en FFungi @fungifoundation
Vertelling: Merlin Sheldrake Muziek: Cosmos Sheldrake
#bodemschimmels #mycorrhiza #SPUN #fungi
#bodemschimmels #mycorrhiza #spun #fungi
#mycorrhiza and soil ecosystems are importent #CarbonSink.
"...study confirms the significant contribution made by #mycorrhizal associations to global #carbon fluxes and should motivate an inclusion of mycorrhizal #fungi both within global #climate and #carboncycle models, and within conservation policy and practice."
Heidi-Jayne Hawkins, Rachael I.M. Cargill, et all
#CarbonSink #mycorrhiza #carboncycle #Climate #fungi #carbon #mycorrhizal
#Symbiotic and #pathogenic #fungi may use similar molecular tools to manipulate #plants.
#mycorrhiza #AlphaFold2 #AI #Rhizophagus #MycFOLDs
#symbiotic #pathogenic #fungi #plants #mycorrhiza #AlphaFold2 #ai #rhizophagus #mycfolds
How legumes detect microbes: a novel EPR3-type LysM receptor kinase recognizes fungal β-glucans & rhizobial exopolysaccharides, and regulates infection by arbuscular #mycorrhiza & #rhizobia, in the model #legume #Lotus japonicus #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3MHEe2P
#plosbiology #lotus #Legume #Rhizobia #mycorrhiza
The newly funded #PhytOakmeter Research Unit will offer 10 #PhD and 3 #Postdoc positions @jobRxiv @jobsecoevo to conduct exciting research on the interaction of #oaks and their #holobiont partners (#bacteria & #mycorrhiza) in the #acclimation and #adaptation to #drought and #herbivory. PhytOakmeter is coordinated by the #University of #Marburg, collaborating with @unifreiburg @unileipzig) @ufz @WSL_research @idiv[https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/fb17/phytoakmeter] Thanks to #dfg and @SNF_ch for the generous funding!
#phytoakmeter #phd #postdoc #oaks #holobiont #bacteria #mycorrhiza #acclimation #adaptation #drought #herbivory #University #marburg #DFG
RT @KatieField4
*SO* damn excited to share our latest @ERC_Research in @NewPhyt - we've isolated, cultured and colonised Trifolium with Mucoromycotina 'fine root endophyte' and THEN show *direct* carbon-for-nutrient exchange https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.18630 @G_Hoysted @BesianaX #Mycorrhiza
RT @MutezAhmed
Our @dfg_public project "Texture Dependency of #Arbuscular #Mycorrhiza-induced Plant #Drought Tolerance" has been approved🎉
We are looking for two PhD students:
1. Ahmed Lab @TU_Muenchen: details will follow soon
2. Schnepf Lab @fz_juelich: https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/careers/jobs/2023D-022
Please RT
#arbuscular #mycorrhiza #drought
The invasive plant species Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam influence the abundance of soil arthropods and are characterized by lower richness of root-associated fungi compared to the native nettle in riparian habitats. Just published today in Biological Invasions!
➡ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10530-023-03034-2
#SystemLink #Landau #RPTU #Fallopia #Fallopiajaponica #Impatiens #Impatiensglandulifera #Urtica #Urticadioica #Acari #Collembola #biodiversity #metabarcoding #endophytes #mycorrhiza #Japaneseknotweed #Himalayanbalsam
#himalayanbalsam #japaneseknotweed #mycorrhiza #endophytes #Metabarcoding #biodiversity #Collembola #acari #urticadioica #Urtica #impatiensglandulifera #Impatiens #fallopiajaponica #Fallopia #rptu #landau #SystemLink
@merpderp "mycorrhizal" just means fungus that lives in plant roots. If it's not alive it won't do anything. Mycelium dies when it dries out, so most likely the powder contains spores and likely lots of dead fruiting bodys too.
#mycorrhiza #gardening #mycology #question
Is the #mycorrhiza powder you can buy for gardening actually still alive? What is it actually, spores? Dried mycelium bits than can be revived?
I've seen some stores calling it a concentrate which sounds concerning for something supposedly still a living organism
#mycorrhiza #gardening #mycology #question
Such a cool experimental setup to demonstrate nutrient and carbon exchange between a fungus and a plant 👇🏼
RT @KatieField4
*SO* damn excited to share our latest @ERC_Research in @NewPhyt - we've isolated, cultured and colonised Trifolium with Mucoromycotina 'fine root endophyte' and THEN show *direct* carbon-for-nutrient exchange https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.18630 @G_Hoysted @BesianaX #Mycorrhiza
RT @KatieField4
*SO* damn excited to share our latest @ERC_Research in @NewPhyt - we've isolated, cultured and colonised Trifolium with Mucoromycotina 'fine root endophyte' and THEN show *direct* carbon-for-nutrient exchange https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.18630 @G_Hoysted @BesianaX #Mycorrhiza
Do #forest #trees really 'talk' through underground #fungi?
#soil #microbiome #microbiology #mycorrhiza
#forest #trees #fungi #soil #microbiome #microbiology #mycorrhiza
RT @KatieField4
*SO* damn excited to share our latest @ERC_Research in @NewPhyt - we've isolated, cultured and colonised Trifolium with Mucoromycotina 'fine root endophyte' and THEN show *direct* carbon-for-nutrient exchange https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.18630 @G_Hoysted @BesianaX #Mycorrhiza