@ggiesen After running the beta channel for a few days, subjectively it feels faster, no solid numbers though. Keeping in mind that I have barely anything configured on this thing. I keep it really close to vanilla. I enable the #Mycroft wake word because it feels like I get fewer false activations than I do with #Neon, I change a couple small things about the UI, activate the GPT fallback skill, and that's about it. #YMMV.
@ggiesen I was talking to Mike Gray of https://graywind.org on the #Mycroft Mattermost earlier, and he recommended enabling the beta track. According to him, there are "Some performance improvements as well as audio receiver functionality - Bluetooth, Airplay, Spotify, and KDE Connect". I'm giving it a shot (since it's a newly imaged drive, why not right?). I'll let you know how it goes.
@mike after reading the threads emanating from #mycroft I guess my wish for a plug-and-play (I don't mind a bit of technical tomfoolery) open source, private digital assistant is not there yet. I don't want home automation but desire the customization to say "hey shithead, what's the wind at the Welcome Island bouy" or "hey shithead, play The Shins song that has steel guitar." Is that too much to ask?
@mpjgregoire @Raspberry_Pi yes ... I guess the #mycroft people stopped working after they got my Kickstarter money... >:-(
Do you have any recommendations for software, for people wanting to use a #RaspberryPi to build a voice assistant?
I had been planning to use #Mycroft, but that project doesn't seem very active these days.
(I'm only interested in an approach based on free software.)
@vjprema I still have my Mark2 handily chugging along. It's configured to work with my Home Assistant. It's running Neon these days instead of the classic #Mycroft since the company is pretty much just one guy these days. Not sure how long that's going to last. That's really the biggest barrier to open voice assistants. They just don't have a viable hardware option. Amazon and Google have poisoned the well by offering their devices at next to nothing.
I feel like this could be an opportunity for a more open option. Both Google and Amazon have seemingly lost some of their focus on this market because it turns out people aren't just going to ask their voice assistant to buy them something and trust that it's just all going to work out. An open option like #Neon or #OVOS could step in and cover the basic functions. Unfortunately with the demise of #Mycroft, there's no hardware to run it on other than PCs or the #Mark2.
je me relance dans mes investigations Speech-to-text et Text-to-speech. Bizarrement c'est quelque chose qui revient régulièrement. Est ce que des gens savent ce qu'est devenu #DeepSpeech et si #MozillaVoice est toujours maintenu?
De mon côté je me base sur #mycroft mais j'ai le sentiment que le projet est un peu à l'arrêt mais je me trompe peut-être.
#mycroft #mozillavoice #deepspeech
True or not, this is why I’m getting rid of my Echo devices and moving to a self- hosted, locally-controlled voice assistant. Just need to find the time to get it done.
#privacy #bigtech #amazon #alexa #mycroft #picroft https://mastodon.social/@kcarruthers/110570317360568708
#privacy #bigtech #amazon #alexa #mycroft #picroft
sembra proprio che #mycroft sia morto, peccato 😩
With the help of @NeonClary, I just upgraded my #Mark2 to an SSD, which has greatly increased the responsiveness. The touch screen is noticeably faster than it was with the USB drive, and it responds to voice commands faster by an order of magnitude. Absolutely worth it if you've got a #Mycroft Mark2 that you've upgraded to Neon. :neon_ai: :mark2:
Schon mal von #Mycroft gehört?
Alexa, Siri und Co dominieren den Sprachassistenten Markt.
Alle kommerziellen Assistenten bringen jedoch ein großes Problem mit sich: #Datenschutz.
Mycroft versucht diese Lücke zu füllen, indem sie einen #Opensource Sprachassistenten entwickeln, der immer näher an die Konkurrenz ran kommt.
Mycroft ist inzwischen für fast alle Plattformen verfügbar und läuft sogar auf einem #RaspberryPi.
#raspberrypi #opensource #datenschutz #mycroft
Qualcuno ha notizie di #mycroft ? Mi è dispiaciuto un sacco per il progetto 😔
There was just so much bad timing when it comes to the story of Mycroft. There was (and is) so much potential in the market, it's just a pity Mycroft isn't going to be able to capitalize on it.
#Mycroft and a Tale of Bad Timing....
I just got a #Mycroft Mk 2 voice assistant as a gift, then logged in to find out the company is shutting down. It looks like there's a new OS for the device though. Gotta dig into it, but would be nice to have a functional Alexa alternative.