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+ neue Staffel #MyDadTheBountyHunter
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#ThreeGoodThings #3goodthings #mydadthebountyhunter
TV TONIGHT (August 17)
#TheUpshaws #KillingIt #Warrior #AloneShow #HeyYahoo #ColdCaseFiles #ALifeTooShort #MyDadTheBountyHunter #GenerationGap #FightToSurvive #MySonDidntDoIt #JSFamilyVacation #BB25 #60DaysIn #ProjectRunway #TacomaFD #WWDITS #LoveIsland
#loveisland #wwdits #TacomaFD #ProjectRunway #60daysin #bb25 #jsfamilyvacation #mysondidntdoit #fighttosurvive #generationgap #mydadthebountyhunter #alifetooshort #coldcasefiles #heyyahoo #aloneshow #warrior #killingit #theupshaws
I'm surprised how nobody is talking about how good #mydadthebountyhunter is.
I watched "My Dad the Bounty Hunter" and thought "the little sister is giving off some Priah Ferguson vibes (actor for the little sister in Stranger Things). Then I looked at the names of the actors.
It is her!
#priahferguson #mydadthebountyhunter
Finishing up #MyDadTheBountyHunter on #Netflix, and remembering the craptacular shows I got as a 6-10 year old in the 70s, where the blue-nosed prigs in charge of children’s TV wouldn’t even allow characters to *hit* each other, lest it spur anti-social thoughts in our delicate little minds. Kids today get to see *limbs* *chopped* *off*!
I am so, so, jealous of the little brats. They will never know how good they have it.
#Tv #KidsTheseDays
#mydadthebountyhunter #netflix #tv #kidsthesedays
My wife and I watched, and loved, the first three eps of #MyDadTheBountyHunter on #Netflix. Aimed at kids, but perfectly fine for childless (and childish) 50-somethings. :)
Oh, hey, it's a Netflix show I like. Guess they'll cancel it now. :(
#mydadthebountyhunter #netflix
It doesn't end on a really huge cliffhanger, just teases a few things for a possible next season. But the main story points which came up in this season feel solved for now. (Considering there is always the question what Netflix is going to do with a show after a first season, I thought some of you might want to know.) That said, even should it remain only one season, it's still fun to watch (and surprisingly deep at times).
#mydadthebountyhunter #netflix
Just started watching the new Netflix series "My Dad the Bounty Hunter" and can really recommend it! It's an animated series about a supposedly truck driver who - to his two children's surprise - isn't actually driving trucks but a spaceship. And when the kids declare his next assignment to a "Bring your kids to work day" day without his knowledge, wild things happen.
I heard about the show a while ago and was afraid it might not be available on Netflix Germany, so I am especially happy I can watch it now. 🍿
Btw, here is an interview with the two main creators of the show, Everett Downing and Patrick Harpin:
#mydadthebountyhunter #netflix #animation #movie
TV TONIGHT (February 9)
#You #ExOnTheBeach #ImpracticalJokers #Velma #HellsKitchen #The1619Project #CriminalMinds #TheGame #MyDadTheBountyHunter #StolenYouth #HarleyQuinn #AskingForAFriend #NFLHonors #YoungSheldon #GrowingUpHipHop #TakingTheStand
#takingthestand #growinguphiphop #youngsheldon #nflhonors #askingforafriend #harleyquinn #stolenyouth #mydadthebountyhunter #thegame #criminalminds #the1619Project #hellskitchen #velma #ImpracticalJokers #exonthebeach #you
TV TONIGHT (February 9)
#You #ExOnTheBeach #ImpracticalJokers #Velma #HellsKitchen #The1619Project #CriminalMinds #TheGame #MyDadTheBountyHunter #StolenYouth #HarleyQuinn #AskingForAFriend #NFLHonors #YoungSheldon #GrowingUpHipHop #TakingTheStand
#takingthestand #growinguphiphop #youngsheldon #nflhonors #askingforafriend #harleyquinn #stolenyouth #mydadthebountyhunter #thegame #criminalminds #the1619Project #hellskitchen #velma #ImpracticalJokers #exonthebeach #you
This looks like good fun. Movie night with the kids comin' up!
#netflix #mydadthebountyhunter #animation #movies