The blue bird, Twitter's mascot, is looking for a job at a job center after being fired by Elon Musk.
The blue bird, Twitter's mascot, is looking for a job at a job center after being fired by Elon Musk.
The blue bird, Twitter's mascot, is looking for a job at a job center after being fired by Elon Musk.
合成:#MyEdit #LucidChart
#lucidchart #bingimagecreator #myedit
パロディ広告 分譲中
人物像 #BingImageCreator
背景 #BingImageCreator
見出し文字 #CanvaPro
背景透過と合成 #MyEdit
合成編集 #Lucidchart
#lucidchart #myedit #canvapro #bingimagecreator
パロディ広告 銀河鉄道で行く太陽系外水惑星周遊の旅
人物像 #えいあーとAI
背景 #BingImageCreator
見出し文字 #CanvaPro
背景透過と合成 #MyEdit
合成編集 #Lucidchart
#lucidchart #myedit #canvapro #bingimagecreator #えいあーとai
Yeah so I made this thank you Jane Austen ❤️❤️ #prideandprejudice #keiraknightley #matthewmacfadyen #mrdarcy #elizabethbennet #janeausten #classic #regencyromance #regencyera #prideandprejudice2005 #prideandprejudiceedit #myedit #janeaustenfan #historicalmovie #historicaldrama
#PrideandPrejudice #keiraknightley #matthewmacfadyen #MrDarcy #elizabethbennet #JaneAusten #Classic #regencyromance #regencyera #prideandprejudice2005 #prideandprejudiceedit #myedit #janeaustenfan #historicalmovie #Historicaldrama
Happy birthday to Christopher Eccleston aka the ninth Doctor hope you have the most fantastic birthday 🥳 #happybirthday #christophereccleston #actor #ninthdoctor #newwho #doctorwho #tardis #bigfinish #badwolf #fantastic #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #myedit #drwhofandom #whovian #9thdoctor #ninerose #timelord #legend #elizabeth #theothers #lethimhaveit #cracker #safehouse #theaword #lucan #favoriteactor
#happybirthday #ChristopherEccleston #actor #ninthdoctor #newwho #doctorwho #tardis #bigfinish #BadWolf #fantastic #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #myedit #drwhofandom #whovian #9thdoctor #ninerose #timelord #legend #elizabeth #TheOthers #lethimhaveit #cracker #safehouse #theaword #Lucan #favoriteactor
I call him my Zaddy Doctor! This is great! Love him
#drwhofan #classicwhovian #doctorwhobbc #doctorwhoedit #newwho #jonpertweedoctorwho #drwhoart #bbcdoctorwho #gallifrey #myedit #reversethepolarity #drbond #drwho #drwhofandom #doctorwho #bbcdrwho #dalek #SarahJaneSmith #jogrant #unit #tardis #3rddoctor #ThirdDoctor #jonpertwee #classicwho
#classicwho #jonpertwee #ThirdDoctor #3rddoctor #tardis #unit #jogrant #SarahJaneSmith #dalek #bbcdrwho #doctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drbond #reversethepolarity #myedit #gallifrey #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #jonpertweedoctorwho #newwho #doctorwhoedit #doctorwhobbc #classicwhovian #drwhofan
Classic who Edit because why not ❤️❤️➕🟦 #classicwho #jonpertwee #thirddoctor #3rddoctor #tardis #unit #jogrant #sarahjanesmith #dalek #bbcdrwho #doctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drbond #reversethepolarity #myedit #gallifrey #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #jonpertweedoctorwho #newwho #doctorwhoedit #doctorwhobbc #classicwhovian #drwhofan
#classicwho #jonpertwee #ThirdDoctor #3rddoctor #tardis #Unit #JoGrant #SarahJaneSmith #dalek #bbcdrwho #doctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drbond #reversethepolarity #myedit #Gallifrey #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #jonpertweedoctorwho #newwho #doctorwhoedit #doctorwhobbc #classicwhovian #drwhofan
✨I am a quiet person's nightmare. The only time I shut up is when I'm reading, because I'm a book geek.✨. my Jodie Whittaker edit using one of her quotes enjoy 😉 #doctorwho #newwho #jodiewhittaker #thirteenthdoctor #thasmin #tardis #Fam #timelord #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #drwhofandom #actress #attacktheblock #sttrinans #trustme #bbcdoctorwho #13thdoctorfanart #myedit #13thdoctor #jodiewhittakeredit
#doctorwho #newwho #jodiewhittaker #ThirteenthDoctor #thasmin #tardis #FAm #timelord #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #drwhofandom #actress #attacktheblock #sttrinans #TrustMe #13thdoctorfanart #13thdoctor #jodiewhittakeredit
RT @RWLegendary
🥰 Baby you can pack away the moon …and you can blow out all the stars. But I know the day will come when love unchains your soul and you'll take the long walk home. ✨💫 ~ @robbiewilliams
✨I will have but one mistress here and no master. Elizabeth I 1533 - 1603 💖💖💖💖. #elizabethi #thevirginqueen #queenelizabeth #thetudors #tudors #elizabethtudor #englishhistory #henryviii #anneboleyn #cateblanchett #royal #semperadem #kingsandqueens #tudorengland #queene #history #elizabethan #quotes #elizabethmovie #english #englishqueen #myedit
#elizabethi #thevirginqueen #queenelizabeth #thetudors #Tudors #elizabethtudor #EnglishHistory #henryviii #AnneBoleyn #cateblanchett #royal #semperadem #kingsandqueens #Tudorengland #queene #history #elizabethan #quotes #elizabethmovie #english #englishqueen #myedit
✨new Jodie edit ❤️❤️➕🌈 enjoy✨ #doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #13thdoctor #thasmin #tardis #Fam #timelord #jodiewhitaker #bbcdoctorwho #whovian #myedit #drwho #drwhofandom #drwhoedit #jodiewhittakeredit #actress #broadchurch #trustme #attacktheblock #timelord #edits #drwhoart
#doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #13thdoctor #thasmin #tardis #FAm #timelord #jodiewhitaker #bbcdoctorwho #whovian #myedit #drwho #drwhofandom #drwhoedit #jodiewhittakeredit #actress #Broadchurch #TrustMe #attacktheblock #edits #drwhoart
New edit I did for my friend’s birthday I really like this edit so much #doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #yazkhan #thasmin #tardis #Fam #timelord #jodiewhitaker #mandipgill #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #tardis #drwhofandom #drwho #bbcdoctorwho
#doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #yazkhan #thasmin #tardis #FAm #timelord #jodiewhitaker #mandipgill #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #drwhofandom
Happy heavenly birthday to the first doctor #WilliamHartnell the actor who kick started the magic that is the doctor 💙💙 #doctorwho #classicwho #firstdoctor #tardis #timelord #whoivan #bbcdrwho #1stdoctor #drwho #drwhoedit #doctorwhofandom #Gallifrey #myedit #drwhofan
#williamhartnell #doctorwho #classicwho #FirstDoctor #tardis #timelord #whoivan #bbcdrwho #1stdoctor #drwho #drwhoedit #DoctorWHOfandom #Gallifrey #myedit #drwhofan
✨Remember me when you do pray, that hope doth lead from day to day -Anne Boleyn✨ this edit was made using my original photo of hever castle that I took back in 2007 💖 #hevercastle #hever #anneboleyn #englishqueen #englishrose #kingsandqueens #englishcountryside #tudors #henryviii #elizabethi #thevirginqueen #tudorhistory #englishhistory #thesixwivesofhenryviii #theboleyns #kent #myedit #tudorhistory #tudorqueen #royal #tudorstyle
#HeverCastle #hever #AnneBoleyn #englishqueen #englishrose #kingsandqueens #englishcountryside #Tudors #henryviii #elizabethi #thevirginqueen #tudorhistory #EnglishHistory #thesixwivesofhenryviii #theboleyns #kent #myedit #tudorqueen #royal #tudorstyle
Happy birthday to mandip gill hope you have a fabulous day 🎂🎂 #doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #yazkhan #thasmin #tardis #Fam #timelord #mandipgill #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #actress #hollyoaks #drwhofandom #happybirthday #bbcdrwho
#doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #yazkhan #thasmin #tardis #FAm #timelord #mandipgill #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #actress #hollyoaks #drwhofandom #happybirthday #bbcdrwho