#MyElixirStatus comecei um refactoring grande na quarta-feira da semana passada, viajei na sexta e estou voltando pra ele hoje. Testes ficaram verdes novamente <3.
Thanks for everyone who attended! We didn't get to any Rust, but maybe we will next time.
The recording will available soon on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ylat9F_CVWg
#myelixirstatus #webeamtogether
Hello again, friends! I'll be live-streaming #Elixir content in about 90 minutes! We'll wrap up the integration of Regulator and maybe revisit our #Rustlang Datalog implementation. Join me https://twitch.tv/seanicuscode
Starts at https://everytimezone.com/s/16d1847a
#elixir #rustlang #myelixirstatus #webeamtogether
Tô configurando Node.js no meu projeto Elixir pra poder usar o pacote semantic-release. Rodei um `npm i -D semantic-release` e tô pasmo com a *eternidade* do tempo de execução desse comando! rs.
Eu devo estar mt mal acostumado com Elixir, viu.
Learn Functional Programming with Elixir by Ulisses Almeida @ulissesalmeida
Elixir’s straightforward syntax gives you a clean, simple path to learn modern functional programming techniques.
😢🏳️⚧️💜 Sad to hear #ElixirConf has chosen, again, to host the US conference in Flordia for 2024. #MyElixirStatus
Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves by Frank Hunleth @fhunleth and Bruce A. Tate @redrapids
Become a better Elixir programmer as you build your own desktop showpiece.
Programming Phoenix 1.4 by Phoenix creator Chris McCord @chris_mccord, award-winning Bruce Tate @redrapids, and Elixir creator José Valim @josevalim
Build applications that are fast and reliable.
Really enjoyed getting to meet tons of great folks at #ElixirConf2023
Great talks, and a great hallway track. Excited to share my highlights next week.
#elixirconf2023 #myelixirstatus
Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves by @akoutmos @redrapids @fhunleth
Structure, build, and deploy production grade Nerves apps to network-enabled devices. Create a weather station sensor hub / full stack IoT solution.
I've published the slides from my #ElixirConf2023 talk, Rebuilding the Plane While It’s Still Flying¹. You can also find the microframework I reference for doing data migrations on my blog—hope it's useful!
¹ Since subtitles on conference talk names are out of vogue, the talk does *not* have an even more insufferably long title like “Large Scale, Zero Downtime Migrations Without Fear,” but you can imagine it does if you’d like.
#elixirconf2023 #myelixirstatus
🔗 Documentation, specifications, and code from the Security Working Group of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation
Lots of great resources here. #MyElixirStatus
As I learn more about #Erlang more I appreciate it and more I also appreciate #Elixir.
People say Elixir “is just a beautiful Erlang wrapper” but, though technically it might be the case, in practice it is definitely not!
#erlang #elixir #myelixirstatus #myerlangstatus #mybeamstatus #myotpstatus
Ooh! The Programming Phoenix LiveView book just got updated for Phoenix 1.7.7 and LiveView 0.19.
I really appreciate all the work that @redrapids and Sophie DeBenedetto have put into this book. 🙏
#ElixirConf2023 tip: if you liked a talk, go up to the presenter(s) afterward and tell them. Way, way more people appreciate a talk than actually say anything. You’ll make their day.
#elixirconf2023 #myelixirstatus
@axelson demoing a 7-color e-ink display powered by @elixir and @NervesProject. Super cool!
#myelixirstatus #elixirconf2023
Opinião não-popular mais popular de todas: #Erlang é massa! Mas a sintaxe da linguagem, MEUA-migo... dói nos olhos! 🥲
Super excited for future Phoenix debugging tools demoed in Chris McCord’s #ElixirConf2023 talk:
- viewing server logs in the JavaScript console
- comments in markup to show which component all HTML comes from
- alt-click on an element on the page to open your editor to that component 🤯
#elixirconf2023 #myelixirstatus