Another red carpet pic. This one from the premiere of BANG BANG BETTY 2
#premiere #event #screening #horror #HorrorMovies #actor #actors #writer #screenwriting #writing #acting #film #Filmmaking #movie #movies #cinema #suit #handsome #styling #jacket #style #redcarpet #entertainment #grateful #myface #smile #aboutlastnight #itsme
#Premiere #event #screening #horror #horrormovies #actor #actors #writer #screenwriting #writing #Acting #film #filmmaking #movie #movies #cinema #suit #handsome #styling #jacket #style #redcarpet #entertainment #grateful #myface #smile #aboutlastnight #itsme
The obligatory red carpet pic. This one from the CRAVING premiere.
#premiere #event #screening #horror #HorrorMovies #actor #actors #writer #screenwriting #writing #acting #film #Filmmaking #movie #movies #cinema #suit #handsome #styling #jacket #style #redcarpet #entertainment #grateful #myface #smile #aboutlastnight #itsme
#Premiere #event #screening #horror #horrormovies #actor #actors #writer #screenwriting #writing #Acting #film #filmmaking #movie #movies #cinema #suit #handsome #styling #jacket #style #redcarpet #entertainment #grateful #myface #smile #aboutlastnight #itsme
#Today will be spent decompressing from the long and overwhelming day that was yesterday. Getting my hair done is kind of sensory hell for my #ActuallyAutistic self. It involves bleaching my roots which burns like a mofo and takes forever to process (so I sit with a scalp on fire for ab an hour or more) then she washes and then adds the toner that causes the purple which has to sit for 20 mins to achieve the most purple. All in all it takes about four hours total and is not cheap. Plus add in the social aspect of talking with the hair dresser. (I adore mine and know she has at least #ADHD and we have similar interests so I don’t mind talking to her but it’s still draining bc #introvert.) I do love the result though, it makes it all worth it.
Then after I went to see my mom which if you follow me you know that I suspect she’s a narcissist and can be difficult and draining to be around even when she’s not being awful and vicious. (Which she wasn’t yesterday and we are on decent ish terms rn) Add a sprinkle of moodiness due to PMS and #anxiety still over the interview and it makes for one very drained me. So today I will be taking it easy. Carl has class today for test prep so he’ll be home late sadly. I’ll prolly just veg and watch my shows and maybe color in my new coloring book, and prolly pester y’all with pics of what I color 🤣 #selfie #myface
#Today #actuallyautistic #adhd #introvert #anxiety #selfie #myface
#myface #thinkingofmycomrades #mycomrades #LoveYouAll #loveyoufuckers #iamnotalone #WeAreNotAlone #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #NeverGiveUp #allcatsarebeautiful #CatsOfMast #commiecat #comrades #commiecat #ComradeKitty
#myface #thinkingofmycomrades #mycomrades #LoveYouAll #loveyoufuckers #iamnotalone #WeAreNotAlone #abetterworldispossible #abetterworldawaits #NeverGiveUp #allcatsarebeautiful #CatsOfMast #commiecat #comrades #comradekitty
Y’all deserve a selfie 🥺 I actually put makeup on for once so I wanted to share my face since I rarely take photos now a days #selfie #itme #myface #makeup #selfiesaturday #thekingisback #sheisking
#selfie #itme #myface #makeup #selfiesaturday #thekingisback #sheisking
Y’all deserve a selfie 🥺
I actually out makeup on for once so I wanted to show you
#selfie #itme #myface #makeup #selfiesaturday #thekingisback #sheisking
#selfie #itme #myface #makeup #selfiesaturday #thekingisback #sheisking
This is my I hate the fact that my neurospicy brain gives me driving anxiety and makes me park two blocks away from my destination thus having to walk in the frigid cold hat/face. Winter sucks. #myface #selfie #actuallyautistic #FASD #tistheseason
#myface #selfie #actuallyautistic #Fasd #tistheseason
Playing #cardsagainsthumanity with the family and it’s been so fun my face hurts.
#myface #hurts
#cardsagainsthumanity #myface #hurts
It ain't "cold" persay, but let's be honest, first chance to bust out the pullover hoodies, we jump on that shit. #changeofseasons #hoodieseason #selfie #me #beard #myface #beardclub #beardgang #autumn #fall
#changeofseasons #hoodieseason #selfie #me #beard #myface #beardclub #beardgang #autumn #fall