I'm reading Joe O'Connor's book #MyFathersHouse (superb)! Wondering if #Killarney people would start a #FestivalOfRefugees in commemoration of Kerryman Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, who smuggled so many people to freedom during and after #WorldWarTwo in #Rome
#myfathershouse #killarney #festivalofrefugees #worldwartwo #rome
Penúltim relat de #ParaulesDesDeNebraska! #MyFathersHouse Una història trista, com trista és la cançó! Gratis a @AixetaInfo cortesia dels meus meravellosos #PolPatrons
El darrer relat serà el primer que vaig pensar a fer: #AtlanticCity i tancarem el llibre. Potser escric un petit comentari de quina relació té cada relat amb cada cançó, però no ho sé. Millor escolteu el disc mentre llegiu el llibre?
#paraulesdesdenebraska #myfathershouse #polpatrons #atlanticcity
#Lyrics #EmmylouHarris #BruceSpringsteen #fediplay #MyFathersHouse #NowPlaying #SongCovers
I awoke and I imagined
the hard things
that pulled us apart
That will never again, sir,
tear us
from each other's hearts
I walked up the steps
stood on the porch
A woman I didn't recognize
came…and spoke to me
through a chained door
I told her my story
who I'd come for
She said, "I'm sorry but
no one by that name
lives here anymore…"
#lyrics #emmylouharris #brucespringsteen #fediplay #myfathershouse #nowplaying #songcovers