Many are frighted of black cats, but like the hound of Baskerville, the black cat is given a bad reputation . Black cats are elegant. Please enjoy! #MyFavoriteThings #BlackCat by #TandyMalinak. #mockingowlroost #blog #writer #blackcat #blackcatnonfiction
(Pictured are black cats on a cat tree. The background is black with gold stars.)
#myfavoritethings #blackcat #tandymalinak #mockingowlroost #blog #writer #blackcatnonfiction
Canada Geese are one of the most beautiful birds. Enjoy #MyFavoriteThingsCanadaGeese by #suecook #mockingowlroost #blog #myfavoritethings #creativenonfiction #canadageese
(Pictures are Canada Geese on a swimming with the forest behind them.)
#myfavoritethingscanadageese #suecook #mockingowlroost #blog #myfavoritethings #CreativeNonfiction #canadageese
Open call for submissions for #mockingowlroost the Positivity Corner and My Favorite Things portion of our blog until August 31st. Be sure to read our guidelines before submitting. We look forward to your submissions. #mockingowlroost #positivitycorner #myfavoritethings #blog
( Pictured is a white background with gold and green lettering.)
#mockingowlroost #positivitycorner #myfavoritethings #blog
Storms mean something different to each person . It can be a welcomed friend, or a terrifying event. Enjoy #MyFavoriteThings #StormSeason by #katiedaniels. #mockingowltravel #blog #myfavoritethings #creativenonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
(Pictured is a storm with lightning. The title and byline are written in white letters across the sky.)
#myfavoritethings #stormseason #katiedaniels #mockingowltravel #blog #CreativeNonfiction #writer #writerscommunity
The Tiger is a legend in the Cook home. Time has passed since this piece was written, and he had since lost both eyes to Glaucoma. He is still a legend, and is doing well. Enjoy #MyFavoriteThings #TheTiger by #suecook. #mockingowlroost #blog #InspirationalWriting #writer #writerscommunity #shihtzuarticle #rescuedog #shihtzulovers
(Pictured is a grey/white ShihTzu sitting on a rock next to a tree.)
#myfavoritethings #thetiger #suecook #mockingowlroost #blog #inspirationalwriting #writer #writerscommunity #shihtzuarticle #rescuedog #shihtzulovers
In today's #myfavoritethings I reach back to a difficult period in my life, when I was in fourth grade, and a frenemy kid (because I didn't really have genuine friends in those days) brought a little Ziploc bag to school containing, of all things, a complete science fiction wargame: Metagaming's Microgame 1, OGRE.
Swans look so beautiful as they glide through the water, but black swans are elegance personified. Mystery and elegance all in one perfect package. Enjoy this installment of #MyFavoriteThings #BlackSwans by #RitaMockPike #mockingowlroost #blog #nonfiction #ornithologynonfiction
(Pictured is a black swan on water.)
#myfavoritethings #blackswans #ritamockpike #mockingowlroost #blog #nonfiction #ornithologynonfiction
Sometimes just a sweet smile can bring a brightness to your day, especially when it’s a Quokka smiling your way. Enjoy! #MyFavoriteThings #Quokkas by #ritamockpike. #mockowlroost #blog #nonfiction #writer #writingcommunity #InspirationalWriting
(Pictures is a Quokka in the wild. The boarder around the picture is tan and contains the title, and by-line.)
#myfavoritethings #quokkas #ritamockpike #mockowlroost #blog #nonfiction #writer #writingcommunity #inspirationalwriting
(I may have to do a #myfavoritethings about “Some Velvet Morning,” if not on “Nancy & Lee” in its entirety. It is such a powerfully strange song. At least the orchestration and arrangement in the Danzig cover does it justice.)
Today in #myfavoritethings we have the wonderful work of Dianna Settles, an Atlanta-based #artist whose work depicts things we almost never get to see in the medium of paint: lovingly-detailed representations of the day-to-day reality of activism and communal life. Her #paintings are uplifting and deeply heartening, without ever once straying into sentimentality.
#myfavoritethings #artist #paintings
Train of thought triggered by a boy singing as he got off the bus. #111Words #PublicTransportation #ChimChimCheree #MaryPoppins #JohnColtrane #MyFavoriteThings #TheSoundOfMusic #RodgersAndHammerstein #TheShermanBrothers #ChittyChittyBangBang #IanFleming #TrulyScrumptious #EarWorms
#earworms #trulyscrumptious #ianfleming #chittychittybangbang #theshermanbrothers #rodgersandhammerstein #thesoundofmusic #myfavoritethings #johncoltrane #marypoppins #chimchimcheree #publictransportation #111words
Today in #myfavoritethings, by popular demand, we have “A Pattern Language” (1977), by Alexander, Ishikawa, Silverstein et al.: a *luminous* compendium of practical insights into how the #builtenvironment might be best organized as to support human flourishing, across every stage of life. It is possibly the most humane document in all of #architectural thought. (The PDF I’ve linked here isn’t complete, sadly, but it will give you a very strong flavor of the work.)
#myfavoritethings #builtenvironment #architectural
Today in #myfavoritethings we have Pattern 81 from “A Pattern Language” by Alexander et al., in its entirety. It describes the design of “Small Services Without Red Tape,” or ways in which service-sector interactions with members of the #public can be physically designed to be and feel less bureaucratic, and to mitigate the power relations between service providers functioning as gatekeepers and their clients. (Really the whole book is one of my very favorite things.)
Today in #myfavoritethings we have Stephen Mitchell’s luminous 1988 translation of the “Tao Te Ching,” available in its entirety online at the link below. Mitchell’s choices were profoundly informed by his long practice of #Zen under the Korean master Seung Sahn, and it shows in every word. Accessible, clear and modern, but never once cheaply so, his version renders all the power of the original without stumbling into Orientalist cliche. It is a stupendous achievement.
In today’s edition of #myfavoritethings we have Street Farm, a radical collective founded at the Architectural Association here in London in 1971. A half-generation younger than #Archigram (who’d similarly grown out of encounters at the AA), the Street Farmers pursued a completely different vision of technology in the urban everyday, drawn largely from Our #Bookchin & based on techniques we’d now call #regenerative or #permaculture. Dig Graham Craine’s metabolic diagram of his Street Farmhouse!
#myfavoritethings #archigram #bookchin #regenerative #permaculture
@nyrath (I’m currently researching a #myfavoritethings post about OGRE/G.E.V. for sometime next week.)
It occurs to me I haven’t done a #myfavoritethings for awhile, so let me share with you the work of Ken Isaacs. I first discovered his “How To Build Your Own Living Structures” in my hippie-school library when I was 13, and it blew my mind (in the parlance of the times). It’s a book of DIY recipes for brilliant, idiosyncratic modular structures that saddle the gap between furniture & architecture; to this day I dream of building myself a Superchair. Get yr own copy here!
It occurs to me I haven’t done a #myfavoritethings for awhile, so let me share with you the work of Ken Isaacs. I first discovered his “How To Build Your Own Living Structures” in the my hippie-school library when I was 13, and it blew my mind (in the parlance of the times). It’s a book of DIY recipes for brilliant, idiosyncratic modular structures that saddle the gap between furniture and architecture. To this day I dream of building myself a Superchair. Get you a copy!