#ThrowbackThursday: #MyFirstToot | #NostalgiaHit
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#throwbackthursday #myfirsttoot #nostalgiahit
Hey everyone and what's popping.
I been in this group for a while now and since I'm back in there a lot has change since I left here,but don't get me wrong I'm a leftist and proud to be one,to be honest and real we came a long way for change,and we still do the same thing all over and that good,I still believe leftism has a reason to be one for the future and always believe in fight for that reason,plus I been trying to do my own thing since I decided to build this blog of mine,since I'm working on becoming independent journalist,plus with tough time I has to monetize my Tumblr blog since I had to work on getting a bike to get around,all I'm saying is I been a long time supporter of the left and I'm going to remain a leftist for the better,it about that time to start that journey and since it time to start that journey I hope every opportunity I make will made it happen so feel free to follow my blogger,add me or holla,I'm just looking to make difference and do something about it,cause I'm a people hero,and I believe in being a supporter of the people,and not powerful.....peace✊✌️👋♥️☮️
#myfirsttoot #leftist #journalism #change #bethechange
Look who's here... 😃 👋
Hello what happened everyone I'm new here but been a long user to Mastodon,I'm more what you called a internet freedom Fighter,I been a digital militant since 2011 when I came a socialist,now I just do what ever possible to fight for change,to be honest we in a different world and it tough but I learn to fight for change and do something about it,it my journey to use social media like this to fight for change I just hope one day I see how in my life
#myfirsttoot #myintroduction #freedomfighter
Hallo, höchstverehrteste Mastodonfreundschaftsperson!
Du musst nicht weiter suchen, ich präsentiere Dir hier den einzigen best of mehrfachbest primatollsten Mastodon-Apfelmuss-Account, der Dir vorzüglich gefallen könnte, wenn Du Dir beim Gefallen ein bisschen Mühe geben würdest, glaube ich jedenfalls bei voller Gewährleistung meiner Eigenleistungsversprechung.
Es sei denn, Du bist vollkommen mühelos, dass ich mich frage, warum Du so mühelos bist.
Alles Apfelmuss, oder? 👋
fedibirdに引っ越してみた :blobcatpuffyzoomfux:
Hello all!
I love crossovers, so the purpose of this bot is to take two (or more) random fictional characters and pit them against one another in various fashions ... I used to do this over on the bird site, but I guess they're making it so that #cheapbotsdonequick won't be around for much longer, so I'm taking my business elsewhere:
#cheapbotsdonequick #myfirsttoot
"Say hello to more privacy by using LibreTube. As an alternative Android frontend for YouTube, it gives you a secure way to enjoy content without compromise by using the Piped API." #myfirsttoot #privacysimplified #LibreTube
#myfirsttoot #privacysimplified #LibreTube
Well it official,I'm a little stressed out but trying to speak my mind on the best way possible,I been using Mastodon for so long I forgot how to be honest with yourself in a way it tough to find,but starting today it time for a change,I grow up to learn we live in a different world,a change world,we live in a free speech world,where we free to speak what we feel,plus I'm not afraid to speak my mind,we live in tough situations,and now it hard to see this happening,we all good hope and optimism about this and right now we don't know what is going.
#myfirsttoot #myfirstTweet #toughdays #freespeechzone #changes #beingme
#myfirsttoot #myfirstTweet #toughdays #freespeechzone #changes #beingme
Hello everyone,I decided to come back on mastodon cause I believe I need to start where I came to,as a concerned citizen,I seen so much that come to find and knowing it too much to bear this kind of stuff that the world is going,plus as a local activist I seen what this world is facing,I believe it time to start getting ready for what we need to fight for,I decided since I'm a local activist I got to start fighting for local problems,the people in this city are fed up with all the questions,the corruption,the helplessness, homelessness,and so many issue like Bright,crime,police corruption,and violence,we had enough of all this,it time to start getting ready to fight and step up to do something about this issue,that why I'm using the internet to post,video,or photo everything that this city is dealing with,and take matter in to my own has,it time to start something right,and it time to do it now.
#myfirsttoot #myfirstTweet #takingbackcontrol #fightingformyneigborhood #Anarchist
#myfirsttoot #myfirstTweet #takingbackcontrol #fightingformyneigborhood #Anarchist
It's been a year. Some thoughts about it.
Hello everyone,I'm back and decided to make a return to mastodon,times has changed,and I know it tough,plus we are one day left til the new year,it time to fight for the better and let people know we not taking any chances,it time.
Wie nennt man eine Frau mit Klasse?
*** Lehrerin *** #FediLZ