Back to using #myfitnesspal after a few years - omg, completely littered with #ads and the free tier is definitely diminished compared to before
Even een recap: Gisteren naar het #vangoghmuseum geweest in mijn eerste nieuwe jurkje sinds jaren van #bonprix en legging van #msmode Sandalen er onder van #durea #pakkievandedag #OOTD #Rubensvrouw #Weightloss #myfitnesspal #noncommercial
#noncommercial #myfitnesspal #weightloss #rubensvrouw #ootd #pakkievandedag #durea #msmode #bonprix #vangoghmuseum
trying #MyFitnessPal again after a few years and it's completely broken… absolutely basic functionality like “i can put things in a list” doesn't work, it's actually unbelievable. how are they getting people to pay for it?
#5yrsago Dutch panic over infiltration of an apostate #Scientology-alike into education and government
#5yrsago #UnderArmour: hackers stole the data of 150,000,000 #Myfitnesspal users because of course they did
#5yrsago #scientology #underarmour #myfitnesspal
Last week I've done well! I managed to get 500 calories below my usual calories. I exercise a lot, but definitely not enough to not gain with my previous amount of calories.
I have an eating disorder, so staying within a goal is terribly hard! But I'm trying and hopefully it will help me to go from obese to overweight in a while.
Calories were edited in #MyFitnesspal and these averages are from #SamsungHealth.
#myfitnesspal #samsunghealth #eatingdisorder #calories
A very belated return to my old #WeighInWednesday habit confirms what I'd suspected: at 15st 5lb I'm the heaviest I've been in a decade. Fortunately there's a ton of snacks that I can cut out of my diet that should be enough to kickstart weight loss in and of themselves. Starting up the #MyFitnessPal again but also going to get back on the running soon too. Will be posting progress here to keep myself honest but always behind a content warning.
#myfitnesspal #weighinwednesday
Started really tracking food again and like how it integrates into training peaks and garmin. My favorite though is how almost everything I choose is greater than the pre-populated serving size!
#garminconnect #endurance #trainingpeaks #myfitnesspal
Iniziamo a vedere il metodo "definitivo" per monitorare il proprio #TDEE. 😁
Definitivo perché si basa su dati reali, sui quali poi programmare per ottenere risultati certi.
L'utilizzo di un diario alimentare tramite app (#MyFitnessPal, #FatSecret, ecc...).
Si registra tutto ciò che si introduce (più si è precisi meglio è, ma non deve diventare una fissazione), si tiene monitorato il peso ed in qualche settimana si avrà un dato molto realistico del proprio bilancio energetico. 😉
#tdee #myfitnesspal #fatsecret
I’m coming up to the end of a 28-day low-carb plan with #MyFitnessPal and my sourdough starter has been in the fridge all that time - I think I’ll need to give it a couple of extra feed&discard cycles to renovate it before baking a loaf on Wednesday.
@lukito #Exercise #Fitness #apps
I've used #MyFitnessPal for years to keep track of:
1) what I eat
2) my weight
3) cals burned
It only tracks what you are doing so that you can't lie to yourself about it. I lost over 40# twice (twice because I relapsed once) and have been able to maintain my weight for many years w/in an acceptable range since then.
#exercise #fitness #apps #myfitnesspal
#Goedemorgen, goed nieuws voor mezelf. Bijna 7 kilo lichter vanaf 1 januari. Ik ben lekker bizig.
Hoe ha jij?
#myfitnesspal #sporten #afvallen #goedemorgen
For the first time in a decade #MyFitnessPal ads are not being blocked by my #pihole. Fascinating. Gotta see what has changed…
In other news, I'm tracking my calories via #MyFitnessPal and calorie burn via #Fitbit, so expect them to have sync issues for several days as that's usually what happens when I start a diet.
I'm getting back in to using #myfitnesspal to track my eating, hoping to get back down around 190-195 again and try keeping it there this time!
Plan to do text-based posts with images from my Fitbit or Insight Timer apps. When I get the food thing down, I'll add MyFitnessPal images. 4/ #health #fitness #accountability #fitbit #InsightTimer #MyFitnessPal
#health #fitness #accountability #fitbit #insighttimer #myfitnesspal
A Christmas listicle, no, not quite a miracle, but a listicle sent to me of a top ten apps to download this Christmas.
#BeReal #Christmas #GoodReads #MyFitnessPal #Smule #Android #iOS #Apps
#BeReal #christmas #goodreads #myfitnesspal #smule #android #ios #apps
#myfitnesspal fail. Honestly I ate too much the day before but everything is on a day to day basis I suppose