Which social network should I choose to replace Twitter? A lot of them. I write books and fanfics and need a platform for promotion.
What a "fun-filled" day! We need to look for a service or social network to replace YouTube — it also started idiotic reforms. But the funny thing is that the owners of YouTube also consider it indispensable.
TikTok is disgusting to me! But the Internet is big and diverse.
Elon, thanks. This morning I learned about 7 new social networks for me that people say "It's better than Twitter" and I continue to expand my horizons.
By trial, I figured out a way to get the AI to find at least something similar to what I need:
1. Ask a question with two conditions (NOT more)
2. Write "find more video games (movies, etc.) with the given criteria and (add ONE new condition)
3. Continue step 2 until you get at least some acceptable result.
Well... This thing nevertheless works!
video games with an open world and 2d anime graphics and without pixel graphics that aren't made in China and you can play it on a low-end PC
Stardew Valley
Secrets of Grindea
How do you ask this thing to make it work?
video games with 2d anime graphics and without pixel graphics and an open world that are not made in China and you can play it on a low-end PC
Stardew Valley
Secrets of Grindea
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
How to ask the right question to AI?
AI and ANNs will take over the world? Soon there will be a saying "You are stupid as an AI/ANNs"! Who doesn't believe — take a fragment from the books of Terry Pratchett or Arthur Conan Doyle and try AI/ANNs as a proofreader.
It was a mistake to post a question on Twitter hoping there were more people. It seems that this site has turned from a social network into a closed club where small groups communicate, and it is impossible to see anything outside of your circle.
The praises of the (A)NNs are heard from all sides. But can anyone recommend me an (A)NN that is able to answer something smarter than "No results for “all video games that critics have scolded but loved by gamers”? Or tell me the right way to ask (A)NNs.
An old friend Google understood this query right away, and not only in English. But it gives lists from bloggers in the "10 Famous Video Games Than Critics Hated (But Players LOVED)" style and doesn't look for all such cases.
Виявилося, що я божевільно сумую за постами з українською. Це неймовірно смачна мова та надзвичайно гарна для письменства. Дуже багато слів-відтінків і величезні можливості для створення неологізмів і каламбурів.
I decided to transfer my Twitter-Followings from the old account to the new one. And it turned out that there are a lot of things that I would never sign up for. Accounts have become completely different! Have these accounts been transferred to other users?
My new home for making books.
How the hell does this all work?! I got lost in settings like a forest.
#MyInternetLife #creative #OriginalWork
#myinternetlife #creative #originalwork
Twitter to relax curbs on political ads as revenues drop (с).
Is Twitter already trash? Or is it necessary to extract the benefit even from the dump and the page on Twitter can be left?
I ask you seriously. I really don't understand social media and its impact on life.
It's funny: not to have the slightest talent for drawing, but love to draw. Spit. I draw for myself. Even if it is the future cover of my web page.
#creative #OriginalWork #MyFavoriteDaub #MyInternetLife
#creative #originalwork #myfavoritedaub #myinternetlife
I put in order in hashtags and links on this account, while there are few posts. How difficult it is to use social networks! I still don't understand any of them. My former site for writers was much simpler.
It's amazing how the appearance of the same font changes in the inscriptions in different languages. And how differently the same font looks on the page of the site and on the cover of the book.
I need to make a new type of cover. This is my little hell...
#creative #OriginalWork #MyInternetLife
#creative #originalwork #myinternetlife
Hip hip hooray! Application for AO3 accepted, invitation received, and my new page is activated.
Soon I will post a novel about adventures of Alex.
#MyInternetLife #creative #novel #OriginalWork
#myinternetlife #creative #novel #originalwork