I don't have too many posts scheduled yet. My hands have been struggling due to the weather. And my keyboard malfunctions on my pc. So it was harder to sit and write.
But these are my upcoming four posts for the next few days.
#amwriting #blog #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife
Wowsers! It feels sooo good to get everything planned done & have a little half hour for a look see on Mastodon before supper.
That's it. Saving the last handful of dice (spoon & a half) for tomorrows get-up-'n'-go or so goes the theory.
Du coup j’en parle un peu tardivement mais dimanche je suis allé un festival de musique électronique appelé les îlots électroniques. C’est pas trop mon genre de musique. En revanche super ambiance et j’étais bien accompagné ainsi qu’alcoolisé ;-) #mylife
#TrueFact: I was #Once #Trapped in a #BaskinRobbins #Overnight...
I learned how to #Survive on #Cookies and #IceCream...
#One of #TheBestNights of #MyLife
🌻⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🌻 | 🦹🍨🧙🦄🧙🍨🦹
#truefact #once #trapped #baskinrobbins #overnight #survive #cookies #icecream #one #thebestnights #mylife #truestory
Est-ce que je viens de préparer mes affaires pour le week end qui arrive ?
Bien entendu, en plus des fringues j'ai pris mes boules de pétanque et un jeu de société. #mylife
For some reason this one didn't want to automatically to my tl here... So sharing it by hand again 😉
My latest #Blog post is live.
It's about dealing with my eating disorder.
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #EatingDisorder #BingeEatingDisorder
#blog #amwriting #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #blaugust #blaugust2023 #EatingDisorder #bingeeatingdisorder
Today's #blogpost about "just one more...".
Just one more...
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #EatingDisorder #BingeEatingDisorder
#blogpost #amwriting #blog #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #blaugust #blaugust2023 #EatingDisorder #bingeeatingdisorder
This day's #blogpost
The same, but then different.
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Blaugust #Blaugust2023
#blogpost #amwriting #blog #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #blaugust #blaugust2023
@sisastrouve Y'en a pas.
C'est l'architecture qui est mal foutue.😒
J'ai quasi condamné *la* seule fenêtre de séjour. J'ouvre un peu plus loin, côté cuisine. Ça ventile moins, mais c'est déjà ça. Et ça ramène pas les odeurs (mais le bruit oui, quand même).
Bref. Y'a pire problème. Partout. Ailleurs.
Dear Diary...
A new #blogpost is live now.
One where I was in Germany, where I traveled back home and tried to pick up on my routine again.
Journal - Week 33 🏡 , August 2023
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Vacation #Blaugust #Blaugust2023
#blogpost #amwriting #blog #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #vacation #blaugust #blaugust2023
New #blog post up now! 😁
Keep on writing...
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Blaugust #Blaugust2023
#blog #amwriting #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #blaugust #blaugust2023
Dans la série des plaisirs simples, ce goûter sur un quai de Seine avec quatre amies était fort agréable. #mylife
New #blogpost is live! Getting back to my routine after a 3 week vacation.
Getting back
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Vacation #Blaugust #Blaugust2023
#blogpost #amwriting #blog #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #vacation #blaugust #blaugust2023
@daph Rooh, le bordel ! Pas glop ! La galère...🫤
Spour ça que j'aime moyen moyen les bidules informatiques et confiance limitée. Quand ça lâche, c'est toujours au pire moment, et on n'a des fois rien pour se rattraper.
Donc, j'ai tout en copie papier. Ici (en "fixe" et "mobile" càd carnet) + ailleurs (chez un ami) car j'ai toujours en mémoire la détresse chez mes vieux parents quand ils avaient été inondés et TOUT perdu en 10 min, sous leurs yeux, sans rien pouvoir y faire.
#trauma #mylife 🙄
Happy birthday Debian :debian: !
I discovered this distro back in December 2004 during a LAN-Party in the area of Bréhal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C3%A9hal).
Then, in February of 2005, after recovering the former family PC, I installed Debian 3.0 (quickly updated to version 3.1) by following Alexis de Lattre guide's. (http://laurianalywald.free.fr/, in French)
Since then, Debian is my distro of choice for my servers.
#debian #debian30 #mylife #linux
Latest #blogpost is live now. 😊
Talking about being "selfish" every now and then.
#AmWriting #Blog #WordPress #JetPack #MyLife #Vacation #Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #Selfish #Selfcare
#blogpost #amwriting #blog #wordpress #Jetpack #mylife #vacation #blaugust #blaugust2023 #selfish #selfcare