#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingDragonAgeNotNews... #NotNearly24 #CertainlyNoOneGivesAFuckNotNews
#IT #TurnedOut that #MyLittleBigBuddy had never #Encountered the #DragonAge #Franchise before we met; so after a #FullSystemReset on the #PS3...
#notnews24 #unbreaklingdragonagenotnews #notnearly24 #certainlynoonegivesafucknotnews #epilogue #it #turnedout #mylittlebigbuddy #encountered #dragonage #franchise #fullsystemreset #ps3
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingTheOutsideNotNews...
#TheOutside; #IT's #StillThere, #JustInCase you #Might be #Worried or #Anxious about #IT...
I can #AlsoAlsoAdd; we #GotWood... #MyLittleBigBuddy and I have been #VeryVeryBusy...
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#notnews24 #unbreaklingtheoutsidenotnews #theoutside #it #stillthere #justincase #might #worried #anxious #alsoalsoadd #gotwood #mylittlebigbuddy #veryverybusy
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingAdventureNotNews...
#MyLittleBigBuddy has asked #If I can #Share his #Photo with #TheWorld(s); he's #VeryExcited about #GoingIntoSpace... #IT was his #FirstTrip...
We #Might be #Vampyres #Later... #Or #Maybe #BurlyMenAtSea
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#notnews24 #unbreaklingadventurenotnews #mylittlebigbuddy #if #share #photo #theworld #veryexcited #goingintospace #it #firsttrip #might #vampyres #later #or #maybe #burlymenatsea #aftersuppertime
#MyLittleBigBuddy and I are taking the #PrideOrange #WarMachine out on #AnotherAdventure in #TheOutside #Today...
Once we've #Finished our #BaconSammidges...
At the #Risk of being #TooMysterious... We're #SoExcited; there's going to be #EggCups...
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#mylittlebigbuddy #prideorange #warmachine #anotheradventure #theoutside #today #finished #baconsammidges #risk #toomysterious #soexcited #eggcups
#ThereAreDays when #IMiss #MyOldJag...
I have the #PrideOrange #WarMachine... #Now... #ForNow...
#MyLittleBigBuddy likes #IT a #Lot...! #VroomVRoom...!
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#therearedays #imiss #myoldjag #prideorange #warmachine #now #fornow #mylittlebigbuddy #it #lot #vroomvroom
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingNearlySammidgeTimeNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer...
#Stuff is #Happening to #Diablo4...
#IT's #Still... #QuiteGoodFun; #MyLittleBigBuddy and I are #Still #EnjoyingIT... #QuiteALot...
#Updates are #Forthcoming...
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#notnews24 #unbreaklingnearlysammidgetimenotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #frequentlyfewer #stuff #happening #diablo4 #it #still #quitegoodfun #mylittlebigbuddy #enjoyingit #quitealot #updates #forthcoming
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #FancyHatFurzday...!
#MyLittleBigBuddy is #Beginning to #Surface; #IT's #JustAsWell that there's #AnotherPotOfCoffee on the #Go, aye...
#Today, we shall be in #TheOutside and we're going to #BeMoreViking...
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #fancyhatfurzday #mylittlebigbuddy #beginning #surface #it #justaswell #anotherpotofcoffee #go #Today #theoutside #bemoreviking
#MyLittleBigBuddy and I will be #Sharing our #CommunalBathBubbles; cuz #TheEnvironment... #SoThere
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King Unique- Dirty (Original Version)
#mylittlebigbuddy #sharing #communalbathbubbles #theenvironment #sothere
Does anyone else #Fancy an #AfterDinnerDoughnut...?
#MyLittleBigBuddy and I are going to share one... We've been #CarbingUp quite a lot this #Winter; but, we're both #PrettyActiveSorts... And, we #HitThingsWithHammers quite often...
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#fancy #afterdinnerdoughnut #mylittlebigbuddy #carbingup #winter #prettyactivesorts #hitthingswithhammers
#Meanwhile... #MyLittleBigBuddy is #Beginning to #Surface | #SurpriseSurprise; there's another #FreshOfPotOfCoffee #ReadyToGo...
And #AnotherAdventure #Begins...
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Ethnic House (Middle East Deep House) [Vol.1]
#meanwhile #mylittlebigbuddy #beginning #surface #surprisesurprise #freshofpotofcoffee #readytogo #anotheradventure #begins
#MyLittleBigBuddy and I have a #Day in #TheOutside; there's going to be #AnAdventure...
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Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole (Copper)
#howdeedoodledoo #mylittlebigbuddy #day #theoutside #anadventure
#IT's been a #WetAndGrizzlyDay in #TheOutside...
#MyLittleBigBuddy and I have been #Hunting and #Foraging for:
#SomeIceCream; and,
#TheFridge on #TheFlatBed #Works a #Treat; for when you have to #Transport #IceCream...
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#it #wetandgrizzlyday #theoutside #mylittlebigbuddy #hunting #foraging #morecoffee #someicecream #frootiejuice #thefridge #theflatbed #works #treat #transport #icecream
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingFancyNewHatNotNews...
#MyLittleBigBuddy has a #NewHat; because, he #KeepsStealing mine...
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#notnews24 #unbreaklingfancynewhatnotnews #mylittlebigbuddy #newhat #keepsstealing
You don't have to #Choose... | We can #Always #MakeOurOwn #ChocolateGins...
#OtherChocolateGinsAreAvailable | #UnpaidPromotion #NoVestedInterests #JustSaying
#ForWhatITsWorth | #IF #JuniperOil is not to #YourLiking; I'm #QuitePartial to #Lavender as a #Substitute... And, when he's #Ready; #MyLittleBigBuddy is #Going to be #Taught how to #TemperChocolate... #Properly...
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#choose #always #makeourown #chocolategins #otherchocolateginsareavailable #unpaidpromotion #novestedinterests #justsaying #forwhatitsworth #if #juniperoil #yourliking #quitepartial #lavender #substitute #ready #mylittlebigbuddy #going #taught #temperchocolate #properly
#GoodEvening #LovelyEverybodyInternetPeoples...
It's been a #GloriousDay in #TheOutside; we've been to #LoadsOfPlaces... A #FewPeople #DottedAround; well, aside from:
#MyLittleBigBuddy; and,
#One of #MyFavouriteMentors...
And, #Tonight...
We have #AllDayAlbondigas; they're like #Meatballs, only #Spanish... And, #Noodles...
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#goodevening #lovelyeverybodyinternetpeoples #gloriousday #theoutside #loadsofplaces #fewpeople #dottedaround #me #mylittlebigbuddy #one #myfavouritementors #tonight #alldayalbondigas #meatballs #spanish #noodles
#Hmmm... #That was a #YummyYummyDinner of #ChickenKatsu with #OtherStuff all the way from #Abroad... We've all got #VeryHappyTummies...
#MyLittleBigBuddy and I will be #OnTheMoon if #Anyone #NeedsUs...
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#hmmm #that #yummyyummydinner #chickenkatsu #otherstuff #abroad #veryhappytummies #mylittlebigbuddy #onthemoon #anyone #needsus
"We" shall be #Watching: #Hero but what #MyLittleBigBuddy doesn't know is that I've #FiguredOut how to #Substitute the #Subtitles with those of #ThePrincessBride...
#IT should #Make for #GoodWatching... | #BestForeignLanguageFilmMashUp
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#watching #hero #mylittlebigbuddy #figuredout #substitute #subtitles #theprincessbride #it #make #goodwatching #bestforeignlanguagefilmmashup