I drew her eyes.
Fell automatically in love...
and I ended up finishing the lineart!
#PrincessLuna #PencilArt #FanArt #MyLittlePony #MLP #MyLittlePonyG4 #MLPG4
#princessluna #pencilart #fanart #mylittlepony #mlp #mylittleponyg4 #MLPG4
I drew her eyes.
Fell instantly in love. :twilightblush:
#PrincessLuna #PencilArt #MyLittlePony #MLP #MyLittlePonyG4 #MLPG4
#princessluna #pencilart #mylittlepony #mlp #mylittleponyg4 #MLPG4
Next #PencilArt! Can you guess who of all pones is she? Only with the eye you should be able to recognise her.
-She has a sister.
-She is very talented.
-She can be temperamental, but deep down she's kind and really sweet.
#pencilart #mylittepony #mlp #mylittleponyg4 #MLPG4
Sorry for the lack of updates! I'll leave this here 👀 some progress...
#SongbirdSerenade #MyLittlePonyG4 #MyLittlePonyTheMovie #Fanart #MyLittlePony #MPL #MLPG4 #MLPmovie
#songbirdserenade #mylittleponyg4 #mylittleponythemovie #fanart #mylittlepony #mpl #MLPG4 #mlpmovie
RD sez: "You gotta chillax some times"
Sleep tight, my ponies. May Luna guard your dreams.
#RainbowDash #MyLittlePony #Plushie #MLP #MyLittlePonyG4 #MLPG4
#rainbowdash #mylittlepony #plushie #mlp #mylittleponyg4 #MLPG4
Updates, updates!
I've finished the lineart and base colouring of #SongbirdSerenade
#MLP #MLPmovie #MyLittlePony #MyLittlePonyTheMovie #MLPG4 #MyLittlePonyG4 #Sketch #HandDrawing #DigitalArt
#songbirdserenade #mlp #mlpmovie #mylittlepony #mylittleponythemovie #MLPG4 #mylittleponyg4 #sketch #handdrawing #digitalart
Finished lineart! Now it's just time to colour it and a new every for my "pencil drawn busts" collection will be added!
#DigitalArt #PencilDrawing #Sketch #HandDrawing #Scan #PrincessCelesia #MLP #MLPG4 #MyLittlePony #MyLittlePonyG4 #FanArt
#digitalart #pencildrawing #sketch #handdrawing #scan #PrincessCelesia #mlp #MLPG4 #mylittlepony #mylittleponyg4 #fanart
Today I'm posting an art that I've never posted before because I didn't like how it looked, and instead made another art of #RainbowDash:
#rainbowdash #mlp #MLPG4 #mylittlepony #mylittleponyg4
@C_Chell Here are some tag ideas that I think are relevant to equestria.social's users:
- #mlp
- #mylittlepony
- #mylittleponyg1
- #mylittleponyg2
- #mylittleponyg3
- #mylittleponyg4
- #mylittleponyg5
- #mlpfim
- #mlpg1
- #mlpg2
- #mlpg3
- #mlpg4
- #mlpg5
- #tellyourtale
- #makeyourmark
- #ponies
- #pony
- #brony
- #bronies
- #ponyart
- #ponyartist
- #ponyartists
- #mlpart
- #furry
- #furries
- #furryart
- #art
- #artist
- #commission
- #commissions
- #commissionsopen
- #comms
- #commsopen
- #fanfiction
- #fanfictions
- #fanfic
- #fanfics
- #fimfiction
- #fandom
- #fandoms
Edit - some more:
- #mlpmusic
- #ponymusic
- #horsemusic
Edit 2 - even more:
- #mlptyt
- #mlpmym
- #mlptellyourtale
- #mlpmakeyourmark
#mlptyt #mlpmym #mlptellyourtale #mlpMakeYourMark #mlp #mylittlepony #mylittleponyg1 #mylittleponyg2 #MyLittlePonyG3 #mylittleponyg4 #MyLittlePonyG5 #mlpfim #mlpg1 #mlpg2 #mlpg3 #MLPG4 #mlpg5 #tellyourtale #makeyourmark #ponies #pony #brony #bronies #ponyart #ponyartist #ponyartists #mlpart #furry #furries #furryart #art #artist #commission #commissions #commissionsopen #comms #commsopen #fanfiction #fanfictions #fanfic #fanfics #Fimfiction #fandom #fandoms #mlpmusic #PonyMusic #horsemusic
(Patreon Reward) Lipstick
For Amazingangus76
If you would like to support my work, feel free to support me on either
Patreon: www.patreon.com/eagc1995
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/X8X0WRTV
#MLP #FIM #MLPFIM #MLPG4 #MyLittlePony #FriendshipIsMagic #MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic #MyLittlePonyG4 #MyLittlePonyGeneration4 #TwilightSparkle #Rarity #Applejack #Fluttershy #RainbowDash #PatreonRewards #MyArt #FanArt
#mlp #FiM #mlpfim #mlpg4 #mylittlepony #friendshipismagic #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #mylittleponyg4 #mylittleponygeneration4 #twilightsparkle #rarity #applejack #fluttershy #rainbowdash #patreonrewards #myart #fanart