TV TONIGHT (August 25)
#YouAreSoNotInvitedToMyBatMitzvah #VacationFriends2 #Moonshine #TheProofIsOutThere #ZeroGravity #KillerBookClub #NASCAR #NFLPreseason #SmackDown #GoldRush #ReadyToLove #WitnessToMurder #MyLotteryDreamHome #HeelsSTARZ #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #heelsstarz #mylotterydreamhome #witnesstomurder #readytolove #goldrush #smackdown #nflpreseason #nascar #killerbookclub #zerogravity #theproofisoutthere #Moonshine #vacationfriends2 #youaresonotinvitedtomybatmitzvah
TV TONIGHT (April 7)
#TinyBeautifulThings #Transatlantic #JuryDuty #HelloTomorrow #ReadyToLove #GoldRush #MusicBox #PraiseThis #TheBoardingSchool #MLB #SharkTank #SWAT #SmackDown #WhoseLine #DragRace #PowerGhost #MyLotteryDreamHome #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #mylotterydreamhome #powerghost #dragrace #WhoseLine #smackdown #swat #sharktank #mlb #theboardingschool #praisethis #musicbox #goldrush #readytolove #hellotomorrow #juryduty #transatlantic #tinybeautifulthings
@purplequeennl #Kraken As in #SeattleKraken. #Knitting #TravelShows #MyLotteryDreamHome #EscapeToTheCountry And my youngest (my 7th) is 21 and I’ll still watch #arthurpbs by myself. #scoobydoo #industrialmetal. Don’t think I mentioned #photography in my profile. Or #GrammarPolice. My youngest daughter bought me a mug: I am silently correcting you grammar. And used my youngest’s stick tape to mark out “silently.”
#grammarpolice #Photography #industrialmetal #scoobydoo #arthurpbs #escapetothecountry #mylotterydreamhome #travelshows #knitting #SeattleKraken #Kraken