Well, my mom's Yorkie Georgie is off on his next big adventure with minimal tears on my part.
My friend Juliet Nordeen and her husband just came (over two hours drive!) and took him as a foster. Georgie was a little nervous about their German Shepherds but everyone was calming down by the time they left.
It's for the better, even if I am getting all weepy now.
#grief #mymom #dogs
*throws confetti*
According to my mom's lawyer, we do NOT have to go through the probate system as she didn't have enough assets to qualify for it.
Which, frankly, was totally by design. Between my mom and the lawyer, they set things up sweet.
That's going to make everything so much easier than I was afraid. *happy dance*
#grief #mymom #probate #estateplanning #yay
Another part of the mourning my mom thing posted on Patreon.
This continues to be approximately like tearing my skin off an inch at a time but I think it might be helping.
#grief #mymom #patreon #musing
#grief #mymom #patreon #musing
When your kid does a Muscle Man joke :
Victory! I finally found the correct lawyer and I have a copy of my mom's will that isn't more than15 years old.
In fact, it was signed off in October 2022, so that's about as recent as you can get.
Huge relief there.
Even better, the lawyer does probate work so there is potential for help in handling all this. *does happy dance*
#grief #mymom #victory
Goodnight you #weirdos 😂 🍩
#donutface #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings #mymom #tiktok #goodnight
#weirdos #donutface #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings #mymom #tiktok #goodnight