Song challenge day 13_
A song from the 70s you like
Ok. This one is cheatin', and I absolutely do not mean any disrespect to the big Bob.
It's just... 70s for me is either choosing a punk song or Joy Division. The former is to easy, and Joy Division were ahead of their time, they WERE the vanguard of the 80s.
So, Bob Dylan it basically is for me because I simply do not like most of the 70s stuff.
But then, this is a recent cover version of the actual track. It was made for the Dylan biopic, I believe. It is cheatin', and it kinda isn`t? What it is, though, is a collaboration between the singer of My Morning Jacket, friggin' Calexico and ultimately a beautiful, simple song with the kind of brilliant songwriting Dylan is known for.
It's awesome, and if you don't like it: I respect your opinion but your opinion is wrong. It is as easy as that.
(posting this song now also eliminates one of the choices for favourite cover version coming up later in the song challenge)
#30DaySongChallenge #BobDylan #Calexico #JimJames #MyMorningJacket #GoingToAcapulco #Music #Cover
#30daysongchallenge #bobdylan #calexico #jimjames #mymorningjacket #goingtoacapulco #music #cover
My Morning Jacket at the Berkeley Greek Sat Aug 19 / awesome rocking show
// via @melaniebrenda
Another treat for your folks. Some Bonnaroo shots from this year #houseofyes #mollytuttle #shaq #djdiesel #mymorningjacket #bonnaroo #concert #concertphotography #livemusic #livemusicphotography #photography #musicphotography
#houseofyes #MollyTuttle #shaq #djdiesel #mymorningjacket #bonnaroo #concert #concertphotography #livemusic #livemusicphotography #photography #musicphotography
Jim James of My Morning Jacket. Indianapolis, IN June 23, 2023 #MyMorningJacket #JimJames
@rx1f I remember Jim James busting them out for this #MyMorningJacket song
acquired tickets for the berkeley and hollywood shows for #mymorningjacket and #fleetfoxes :ablobfoxbongo:
#EclecticCarnival #ECPL20230617 6 #FathersDay
Ungrateful Little Father - #BrokenSocialScene [Cdn]
Lead Me Father - #MyMorningJacket
Hymn For My Father - #CollectiveSoul
Father Of Mine - #Everclear
Our Father And The Big Wheels Of Fortune - #StephenFearing [Cdn]
#stephenfearing #everclear #collectivesoul #mymorningjacket #brokensocialscene #FathersDay #ecpl20230617 #eclecticcarnival
Managed to get #MyMorningJacket tickets for #KentishTownForum in the artist pre-sale this morning but slightly weirded out that I couldn't get stalls standing despite being on the site at bang-on 10am. Oh well, I guess a balcony seat might be nice to rest the old pins. Hmmm.
#mymorningjacket #kentishtownforum
My Morning Jacket - It Still Moves
Probably my favorite MMJ albums. This is a recent Chris Bellman cut remaster and it sounds lovely.
#Vinyl #RecordCollection #NowSpinning #MyMorningJacket
#vinyl #recordcollection #nowspinning #mymorningjacket
Really feeling "In Color" by My Morning Jacket lately. Might go see them at the Peach Fest this year!
#MyMorningJacket #FreakFolk #JamBand #ExperimhttpsMusic #FreeYourMind
#mymorningjacket #freakfolk #jamband #experimhttpsmusic #freeyourmind
If you’re a #MyMorningJacket fan, don’t miss this 2015 Beacon show they posted to Nugs recently. Very unusual set, full of early deep cuts and quite mellow. I was there and at the time was bummed they didn’t rock out more, but listening now years later it’s a really cool meditative mood. #music #musodon
#mymorningjacket #music #musodon
#CurrentSpins at #GreatAlbums:
New release Friday is a chance to spin things still coming down the pipe before Christmas. #Reviews will be up this wknd.
#NewReleases on rotation:
#ColonialWound – Easy Laugh (metal)
#KiddG – Nashville Sessions (country)
#RiverTiber – Dreaming Eyes (alt)
#SZA – SOS (soul)
#SamFender – 17 Going Under (live deluxe)
#ClassicAlbums reappreciated:
#MyMorningJacket – Circuital - Deluxe (2011/22)
#MacyGray – The Sellout - Deluxe (2010/22)
In Memoriam: #JohnLennon
#johnlennon #macygray #mymorningjacket #classicalbums #SamFender #sza #rivertiber #kiddg #colonialwound #newreleases #reviews #greatalbums #currentspins
#ArielPink #AtlasSound #AllahLas #SunstackJones #BlackSubmarine #CutCopy #AtomsForPeace #DavidBowie #MyMorningJacket #HiatusKaiyote #AphexTwin #AFX #Mew #Bibio #BlackLips #SufjanStevens #FleetFoxes #ShugoTokumaru #Blur #TheChameleons #ChameleonsUK #LedZeppelin #VashtiBunyan #AmorDeDias #FutureIslands #FatherJohnMisty #JohnFahey #RichardAshcroft #Raveonettes #TheWarOnDrugs #Cornelius #TheHorrors #ShyeBenTzur #Sulk #Westkust #Air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #MBV
#arielpink #atlassound #allahlas #sunstackjones #blacksubmarine #cutcopy #atomsforpeace #davidbowie #mymorningjacket #hiatuskaiyote #AphexTwin #afx #mew #bibio #blacklips #sufjanstevens #fleetfoxes #shugotokumaru #blur #thechameleons #chameleonsuk #ledzeppelin #vashtibunyan #amordedias #futureislands #fatherjohnmisty #johnfahey #richardashcroft #raveonettes #thewarondrugs #cornelius #thehorrors #shyebentzur #sulk #westkust #air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #mbv
@piou mouais c’est pas aussi bien que ce que j’avais gardé en tête. Loin d’être mauvais pour autant.
Je suis avec ça là.
Awesome #mymorningjacket show in #bend #oregon
#oregon #bend #mymorningjacket
Strand of Oaks – Weird Ways
Strand of Oaks' Eraserland album was released today and it's remarkable. I wasn't familiar with Timothy Showalter or the project before, but I've been won over by the vulnerability that carries through it and the wonderful work done by members of My Morning Jacket backing Tim. The lead single "Weird Ways" opens the album and it continues
#strandofoaks #rock #mymorningjacket #folkrock #folk