📅 #NOTICIAS: #MyNextLifeAsAVillainess 📰
Basada en la serie homónima la "malvada" protagonista viajará en un crucero de placer. @ideafactoryintl traerá esta nueva #novelavisual este 2023
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/07/my-next-life-as-villainess-crucero.html
#️⃣Tags: #aventura #Anime #NintendoSwitch #artístico #drama #romance #humor
#noticias #mynextlifeasavillainess #novelavisual #tags #aventura #anime #nintendoswitch #artistico #drama #romance #humor
Multifandom fic #recs, 1/18 (#MyNextLifeAsAVillainess, #GoodOmens, #InnocentBird, #MysteriousStranger, #MoonKnight)
#recs #mynextlifeasavillainess #goodomens #innocentbird #mysteriousstranger #moonknight
*response to #vizmedia's tweet about which series do you recommend*
Kaiju No. 8, because this series is seriously SO good.
Komi Can't Communicate, because this series has so much ❤️
Yotsuba&!, for the laughs
My Next Life as a Villainess, because not so smart girl boss
#kaijuno8 #komocantcommunicate #yostuba&! #mynextlifeasavillainess
#mynextlifeasavillainess #yostuba #komocantcommunicate #kaijuno8 #vizmedia