Awoke to a blocked right Eustachian tube. Most annoying! ⚮⚮⚮Shifting from #MyNudeDescriptions to
#MyNudeAlts as per voting. One vote! ⚮⚮⚮Sorting through boxes of genealogy, ye olde notebooks and the like. ⚮⚮⚮
#mynudedescriptions #mynudealts
An arty composition of a red-headed Celtic lass who has never seen or even heard of the Sun. She is lying supine on an algae covered rock; other pointy algae covered rocks are in the background, and The Sea (very symbolic) is in the further background. Her head hangs down in a cleft; chin and nostrils straight upwards; right arm is downwards. Good Lower Back Negative Space (LBNS). Lipstick. Perky. Good way to scratch that itch, actually.
And we bid a fond farewell to "Judi Monterey" of the 1967 Playboy Playmate calendar (which matches 2023), a stereotypically very pretty girl, quite pert. Shoulder-length brunette hair. Strong eyebrow game. Tight tummy. Big smile. She is holding up a stripped calico at by its butt and behind its front legs. The cat is not smiling. Background is orange-yellow-orange. Bring back those knickers.
Classic b/w burlesque à Sally Rand, 40s or '50s vintage. A statuesque blond is kneeling on stripped fabric, hands on her knees. In right quarter pose, she has head turned toward her left shoulder, and she is looking knowingly & playfully at the viewer with a broad smile. Fans in background, their work done.
A middle-aged white female blonde is squatting with her hands on her knees on the beach, small waves behind her. She is smiling broadly (her face is obscured but one can tell), and has her black bikini top pulled down playfully to display her large, pendulous breasts. She has considerable cleavage therefore. Has breast fed, presumably. (I concur: Shake those big mommy milkers).
#MyNudeDescriptions A woman is lying prone on a futon. Legs, raised, shoes touching. Rectangles of light are on her left lower leg and right lower thigh; her left left casts a shadow. Shoes, lower legs, upper legs, tuchis; lower torso and upside-down torso "V" — very arty. Polka0dot something; arranged binders; light blue futon.
#MyNudeDescriptions A female model is standing in front of a blank light blue backdrop. Shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes; beautiful and forthright. Statuesque. Her head is tilted slightly to her left such that her left eye is in shadow. Her b/w dazzle camouflage blouse is partially pulled open, exposing her cleavage. Meets the male gaze. Excellent purple lighting. Excellent hands.
@bramleyapple #MyNudeDescriptions Elegant YWF, brunette, shoulder-length air (right strand) by verdigris column w/gold scoring. Left hand holding lower right arm from the back; right hand behind leg. Eyes closed, head at slight angle downwards. Neat figure; rib cage, innie; full pubic bush with cute indentation on the right . Fine muscle tone. V/large phoenix tattoo above right hip; delicate stems curling around right shoulder. Old map of Italy partially on upper right. Stance.
@veryhot A YWF brown-eyed brunette is looking to the, her luxuriant hair covering her right breast. She is wearing a thin, white terrycloth robe; her face is partially, and artfully, in shadow. Very fine clavicle and ligament game; great bone structure. Left breast in in deeper shadow. Nice play of concave and convex. Quarter profile; vaguely botanical background. She is listening to someone trying to bullshit her. #MyNudeDescriptions
@OnlyU #MyNudeDescriptions A conventionally pretty made-up YWM lying partially prone in an old-fashioned bathtub; she is perched on one corner, rest her head on her hands. Chignon; strong eyebrow game; red lipstick, partially parted mouth; white fingernail polish. Sanpaku. Only her head and face, left arm, and the bathtub lip and her fingers are in focus. Deep lower back curvature. Legs are not visible, being underwater. Nice diagonal. Nicely produced photo shoot.
And I bid a fond farewell to Donna Michelle, who illustrates the July 1967 Playboy Playmate calendar. Statuesque blond sitting on a rock. Left hand on rock. Red bikini bottom. Looking at the male gaze (as well she should). Left leg folded inwards, right out-of-frame. Palms trees in background. Tan lines; tight tummy. Good cheese cake.
@bramleyapple #MyNudeDescriptions An arty shot of a YWF sitting in front of Venetian blinds. Redhead, face lowered, cupped hands in apparent prayer between her normal breasts, elbows resting just above her raised knee, toes touching on the lower step. Excellent composition; lots of texture and rectangles; lots of negative space. Medium distance; off-center. Has a Japanese vibe.
#MyNudeDescriptions. A very mannered b/w photo shoot of female engineer looking at some shop floor plans. Her skin glows (women don't sweat, they glow); the background has... stuff. Is she renovating? The camisole t-shirt doesn't look practical AT ALL. Glasses. Artful strand of hair. Chignon. Dungarees.
#MyNudeDescriptions A #YWF is standing posed in front of an old-fashioned window; the setting looks European. Natural red hair reaches to her midriff. Her head is tilted slightly to her right. She has a knowing smile, having partially removed her white polka-dot on black blouse to display her breasts. Arms are crossed; negative space is a rectangle, soft and lovely.
IRT #MyNudeDescriptions (I'm retiring that hashtag; see below), I'm 64, and as such a '70s Playboy kid. If I wanted pink tunnels I'd watch the Barbie film.
#mynudedescriptions #mynudealts
A close-cropped photo of a YWF's bosom taken on the diagonal. She is wearing a dark purple pendant in her cleavage, and her arms frame her breasts. Lovely aerolae. Second shot is of her cute butt.
A fine art study of a pallid YWF who is all curves and lines. The frame encapsulates her; she is kneeling with her left knee pulled forward and her right hand resting on it. The gesture is unusual. Back turned slightly to the left; strictly side view of lower body; one heel is visible. Left shoulder is held high; head in inclined. Long curly brown hair hangs down. She needs Vitamin D.
#MyNudeDescriptions A lithe YWF brunette w/long hair is leaning with her right arm visible on a plush white corner couch w/deep buttons. Strong diagonal; luminous white background. Good back shadow game. Her right leg is straight, and her knickers hang teasingly on her left ankle (which is upraised). She is looking back at the male gaze, her striptease very nearly complete.
Vintage b/w erotica of a YWF lying supine on a grey blanket. Her hands are behind her head and her elbows flexed. Her face is partially obscured by fabric & hair; her head is besides her left upper arm. Big smile. Her eyes are closed. Densely patterned blouse. Nylons are or were held up by a frilly midriff elastic band. High angle shot from the left; full fledged pubic bush, perineum upwards. Diagonal. Feet o-o-f. #InvisibleMan
#mynudedescriptions #InvisibleMan