#cardiomastodon EPA-based therapeutics appear to offer a major advance in #CVD risk reduction that adds to the protection afforded by #statins. REDUCE-IT demonstrated that high doses of a highly purified ethyl ester of EPA, icosapent ethyl, provided large relative and absolute risk reductions in #CVD mortality , #myocardialinfarction, #stroke, hospitalization for #unstableangina, and coronary revascularization in at-risk patients with triglycerides above ≈100 mg/dL despite therapy with statins…
#cardiomastodon #cvd #statins #myocardialinfarction #stroke #unstableangina
#Cardiomastodon #ICU in this #Clinicalinvestigation Elevated hs-cTnT in patients seeking care for chest pain in absence of #MyocardialInfarction showing that high hs-cTnT values can mirror myocardial injury in other types of myocardial injuries than MI
📌 https://bmcemergmed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12873-023-00787-w#Fig2
📌 https://bmcemergmed.biomedcentral.com/articles
#cardiomastodon #ICU #clinicalinvestigation #myocardialinfarction
Wow, this device would would be so useful.
#Troponin #cardiac #myocardialinfarction
#publichealth @bmj_latest #Cardiomastodon Moderate certainty evidence shows that programmes promoting Mediterranean and low fat diets, with or without physical activity or other interventions, reduce all cause mortality and non-fatal #MyocardialInfarction in patients with increased cardiovascular risk. M program are also likely to reduce stroke risk.Generally, other named dietary programmes were not superior to minimal intervention.
#publichealth #cardiomastodon #myocardialinfarction
Likelihood Ratios rather then NPV/PPV in Chest Pain pathways. Worth a look. #Troponin #MyocardialInfarction #AMI #ED #MedMastodon https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11606-023-08103-9
#troponin #myocardialinfarction #ami #ed #MedMastodon
Wearable Heart Muscle Damage Sensor
New Jersey cardiologists and RCE Technologies Inc. have developed and tested a wristband that uses infrared light to detect and instantly measure blood levels of troponin. #troponin #heartattack #myocardialinfarction #wearable #infrared
#troponin #heartattack #myocardialinfarction #wearable #infrared
The artificial #sweetener #erythritol increases risk for major adverse cardiovascular events, and is linked to heightened platelet reactivity and #thrombosis potential in humans. #CVD #stroke #myocardialinfarction #death #nutrition https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02223-9
#sweetener #erythritol #thrombosis #cvd #stroke #myocardialinfarction #death #nutrition
RT @ajpheartcirc
#ArticlesInPress: Multiomics uncover the pro-inflammatory role of #Trpm4 deletion after #myocardial infarction in mice
(Boukenna et al.)
#myocardialInfarction #CardiacInflammation
#cardiacinflammation #myocardialinfarction #myocardial #trpm4 #articlesinpress
Boukenna (1st 1st authorship) et al. paper is now online - "Multiomics uncover the pro-inflammatory role of #Trpm4 deletion after myocardial infarction in mice" -> Loss of the #TRPchanel TRPM4 increases cardiac fibrosis post #MyocardialInfarction.
#myocardialinfarction #trpchanel #trpm4
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