#Docutip #2Doc:: #MyOldSchool. Over een 32-jarige man die zich voordoet als 17-jarige en leerling wordt op zijn oude school, omdat hij geneeskunde wil studeren maar te oud is om aangenomen te worden. Fascinerend verhaal, en bijzondere docu omdat deze deels geanimeerd is.
Never go back: enjoyed My Old School, Jono McLeod’s high-school movie with a difference #MyOldSchool #AlanCumming #BBCiPlayer
#myoldschool #alancumming #bbciplayer
RT @cloudy_lemonade@twitter.com
For our first full-ish podcast since our friend Anne died in September @svDarren@twitter.com and I talk about our grief (including a wee plug for @thegriefcast@twitter.com), our recent media picks (a little), and #myoldschool (a lot). Have a wee listen and we’d love to hear from you! https://twitter.com/small_voice1/status/1617220659934908416
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cloudy_lemonade/status/1617247354263932931
For our first full-ish podcast since our friend Anne died in September @svDarren@twitter.com and I talk about our grief (including a wee plug for @thegriefcast@twitter.com), our recent media picks (a little), and #myoldschool (a lot). Have a wee listen and we’d love to hear from you!
RT @small_voice1@twitter.com
And our January podcast & media review is live! https://www.smallvoice.org.uk/sv-podcast-media-review-jan-2023/ https://t.co/LxIIGbRR9K
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/small_voice1/status/1617220659934908416
A treat to see #myoldschool and the Q&A after with Alan Cumming (hosted by Jemma Grace Wood) tonight (Akl, NN)
Amazing story and brilliant performance where Alan lip-synced to the actual voice of the subject
For anyone who didn't see the amazing #MyOldSchool on BBC2 last night, definitely give it a go (iPlayer). Fascinating documentary, brilliantly and entertainingly told.
If you’re in the UK check out #MyOldSchool documentary film on iPlayer. It was fascinating. Here’s a review: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/aug/17/my-old-school-review-audacious-tale-of-thirtysomething-man-who-posed-as-a-teenage-pupil
Betwixtmas torpor meant I didn't change channel when this strange, half-animated, apparently somewhat lip-synced documentary came on last night and ... WOW
What an incredible story. And just when you think it can't get any odder, it bloody does. Utterly gripping #MyOldSchool
Oh my goodness, #MyOldSchool on BBC2 just now was fascinating and enthralling.
But how the mind plays tricks! With hindsight, 'Brandon Lee' was obviously older, but people see what they expect to see.
And the program ended on a very valid point - his supposed schoolmates have all gone on with their lives, and he is stuck in the same groove, going nowhere.
#MyOldSchool the
#JonoMcLeod directed documentary that just went on #BBCTWO was exceptional. Complex, poignant, witty, sophisticated, insightful, warm, funny & reflective. Great animation. Recommend.
#BrandonLee #BrianMcKinnon
@hopscotchfilms 😍 Producers: #JohnArcher #OliviaLichtenstein
Special mention #AlanCummings #LULU
#myoldschool #jonomcleod #bbctwo #brandonlee #brianmckinnon #johnarcher #olivialichtenstein #alancummings #lulu
Amazing to see My Old School in #MyOldSchool. The astonishing film of 32 yr old pupil Brandon Lee at @BearsdenAcademy@twitter.com
So many memories of teachers brought back. But also astonishing how the memory plays tricks #thatkiss