RT @FreeEgyptPress@twitter.com: #Egypt Tomorrow in court journalist @ShawkanZeid@twitter.com
#MyPicForShawkan #FreeShawkan
#egypt #mypicforshawkan #freeshawkan
RT @hackneylad@twitter.com: #Egypt’s authorities have demanded death by hanging of the young photojournalist @ShawkanZeid@twitter.com - for the ‘crime’ of reporting on a protest. Join the @RSF_inter@twitter.com solidarity campaign #MyPicForShawkan #Sisi https://rsf.org/en/news/egyptian-prosecutors-seek-death-sentence-photographer
RT @RSF_ar@twitter.com: #مصر: الصحفي المصور شوكان يواجه عقوبة الإعدام لمجرد قيامه بعمله. تضامنوا معه من خلال نشر صوركم مرفقة بالوسم #MyPicForShawkan.
كل رسالة من رسائل الدعم تنطوي على قيمة لا تُقدَّر بثمن. شكراً على المشاركة!
RT @vynguyenhoang@twitter.com: #MyPicForShawkan #Egypt The photojournalist Shawkan has been in prison for nearly five years and is facing a possible death sentence for doing his job. https://bit.ly/2EyOt2Y
RT @tweesop@twitter.com: @RSF_ar@twitter.com #MyPicForShawkan campaign is starting : let’s get as many people as possible to post photos of themselves with this hashtag in support of the photojournalist Shawkan jailed in #Egypt since 2013 &who may face a death sentence just for doing his job.
RT @RSF_ar@twitter.com: Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the photographers community are mobilizing for Mahmoud Abou Zeid, an imprisoned Egyptian photojournalist also known as #Shawkan, who is facing the possibility of death by hanging. https://rsf.org/en/campaigns/reporters-without-borders-rsf-and-photographers-community-are-mobilizing-mahmoud-abou-zeid #MyPicForShawkan #Egypt
#mypicforshawkan #shawkan #egypt
RT @masteson@twitter.com: 4 years 7 months
1.700 days
40.800 hours
2.448.000 minutes
It's the time that @ShawkanZeid@twitter.com has been in prison. Not a single minute more is justified. If he is in jail we are all in jail. Here goes
#MyPicForShawkan #Egypt #FreeShawkan #freepress
#mypicforshawkan #egypt #freeshawkan #freepress
Please spread the word for imprisoned photojournalist Shawkan. #MyPicforShawkan #FreeShawkan