Hours of reading and trying to understand, what CI/CD-pipelines are for and how to use them. Working through topics like deployment, stages, artefacts or environments, only to find out, that I don't need most of it.
And that the problem with crypto miners abusing resources of the #FreeDesktop #GitLab instance worsened and I am not allowed to run a job because of that.
So ... no automated build process for my projects ... no #FlatPak from my side ...
At least I learned a lot!
#myprojectdiary #flatpak #gitlab #freedesktop
Hours of reading and trying to understand, what CI/CD-pipelines are for and how to use them. Working through topics like deployment, stages, artefacts or environments, only to find out, that I don't need most of it.
And that the problem with crypto miners abusing resources of the #FreeDesktop #GitLab instance worsened and I am not allowed to run a job because of that.
So ... no automated build process for my projects ... no #FlatPak from my side ...
At least I learned a lot!
#myprojectdiary #flatpak #gitlab #freedesktop
First (early) release of my second #Rust project: pw-videomix
It is supposed to be a video mixer specialized on creating art.
The app renders directly to #Vulkan, which makes it pretty platform independent.
At the moment, it is not much more than the basic framework.
Have fun, playing around with what is already there! :mastosunglasses:
#egui #winit #RustLang #opensource #freesoftware #MyProjectDiary
#myprojectdiary #freesoftware #opensource #rustlang #winit #egui #vulkan #rust
A small glimpse into my second #Rust project: pw-videomix
It is supposed to be a video mixer specialized on creating art.
It renders directly to #vulkan, which makes it pretty platform independent.
At the moment, I can load images or stacks of images.
Use a filter to create a mandala from the selected input.
And connect a window as an output sink.
#PipeWire in and outputs, video input and file encoding is on the list, too.
#egui #winit #RustLang #opensource #freesoftware #MyProjectDiary
#myprojectdiary #freesoftware #opensource #rustlang #winit #egui #pipewire #vulkan #rust
Turn out, using #winit and #egui with #vulkan written in #rust leads to a mostly platform-independent app.
#opensource #freesoftware #rustlang #rust #vulkan #egui #winit #myprojectdiary
Ok, I got it ...
I can not get a captured variable out of a closure from a FnMut.
Needed some time today until I sorted everything out and gave up.
But now I am pretty sure, that I have to solve my problem in a different way.
At least, I am not stuck anymore. And I learned a lot. :mastogrin:
#rust #rustlang #vulkan #gstreamer #opensource #freesoftware
#freesoftware #opensource #gstreamer #vulkan #rustlang #rust #myprojectdiary