With severe thunderstorms in the forecast, I didn’t want to be on the top of the mountain. So I figured I’d hike through the Myra Canyon, forgetting that we’re in the spring runoff and that the river would be overflowing and fast. I couldn’t even get past the first river crossing but at least it was nice to get outside, even for a short hike. #kelowna #MyraCanyon
Global News BC: B.C. search and rescue volunteers take park in rope rescue training in Kelowna https://globalnews.ca/news/9628410/b-c-search-and-rescue-volunteers-take-park-in-rope-rescue-training-in-kelowna/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #centralokanagansearchandrescue #MyraCanyonAdventurePark #RopeRescueTraining #BCSearchAndRescue #centralokanagan #princegeorgesar #PrinceGeorge #Myracanyon #roperescue #Kelowna #Canada #COSAR #HOPE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #centralokanagansearchandrescue #myracanyonadventurepark #roperescuetraining #bcsearchandrescue #centralokanagan #princegeorgesar #PrinceGeorge #myracanyon #roperescue #kelowna #Canada #cosar #hope