Oha, ein neuer Musik-Hashtag, und dann auch noch zu meinem Lieblingsgenre 🖤 #PowerFriday
Zum heutigen Thema #TheOther70Percent habe ich auch was besonderes: #Myrath aus Tunesien, die zwar hauptsächlich auch auf Englisch singen, aber auch immer wieder Arabisch einstreuen. So zum Beispiel in diesem Lied.
Myrath - Mersal
#myrath #theother70percent #powerfriday
Myrath is a progressive metal band from tunesia, mixing metal with arabic and middle eastern instrumentation ❤️🔥
Follow this link for their song "Tales of the Sands" from their 2011 album with the same name
#myrath #orientalmetal #progressivemetal #metal #music
Últimamente he conocido muchas bandas de #PowerMetal como #Myrath #WindRose #GloryHammer con temas interesantes aunque de momento solo escuché un par de temas de cada una.
#gloryhammer #windrose #myrath #powermetal
#Powermetal mit, korrigiert mich gerne, schwer orientalischem Sound. Schöne Abwechslung.
Desert Call von #Myrath auf Amazon Music
What bands/artists do i like?
In no particular order... #opeth #ghost #haken #thewildhearts #nineinchnails #heilung #radiohead #davidbowie #cellardarling #crashtestdummies #poppy #thebeatles #babymetal #faithnomore #gingerwildheart #myrath #deadcross #monarch #theinterrupters #oceansofslumber #sikth #theknife #zealandardor #carbomb #devintownsend #gojira ... And many more!
#opeth #ghost #haken #thewildhearts #nineinchnails #heilung #radiohead #davidbowie #cellardarling #crashtestdummies #poppy #thebeatles #BabyMetal #faithnomore #gingerwildheart #myrath #DeadCross #monarch #TheInterrupters #oceansofslumber #sikth #theknife #zealandardor #carbomb #devintownsend #Gojira
@erikvandermolen Thanks! Houd je ook van Arabische folk metal? Idk of je er van houdt, maar ik kan #Myrath altijd wel aanraden.
MYRATH + Qantice
A écouter ou à réécouter.
Petit live report audio de Myrath. Et aujourd’hui on part en live le 23 juin 2016, au divan du monde...
#Concerts #LiveReports #RADIO #concert #Divandumonde #Myrath #Paris
#concerts #LiveReports #radio #concert #Divandumonde #myrath #paris
Today‘s #CodeAndCurry #MakerspaceEverywhere session: someone worked on a LED matrix for #Raspberry_Pi, I worked on the #GSOC2020 application for AerospaceResearch.net, and we all listened to metal from #Nanowarofsteel and #Myrath on @Spotify. Good work, @makerspace_jena ! @jenaertoots
#CodeAndCurry #MakerspaceEverywhere #raspberry_pi #GSOC2020 #NanowarOfSteel #myrath