The #phoretic #mite #Forcellinia #wasmanni (#Astigmata, #Acaridae), which occurs among other ant species on the ant #Myrmica #rudinodis, develops in the ant #nest. The phoretic #dispersal stage (#deutonymph) is spread by ant workers.
To do this, I discovered a behavior I call "#pupa #guarding": it attaches to ant pupae and waits in this position until the adult ant hatches.. My video 2015-2023 in reduced quality (size limitations)
© #StefanFWirth Berlin/Usedom
#phoretic #mite #forcellinia #wasmanni #astigmata #acaridae #myrmica #rudinodis #nest #dispersal #deutonymph #pupa #guarding #stefanfwirth
#Myrmica rubra common red ant (european fire ants) were found in #iceland One garden in the summer of 2021. Two queens, about 4000 workers.
Nice project by Marco Mancini and Andreas Guðmundsson.
Published in the 2022 #Náttúrufræðingurinn #IcelandicNaturalist
#myrmica #iceland #natturufrædingurinn #icelandicnaturalist