Gutted to find myrtle rust on Metrosideros diffusa/white rata this afternoon. First time I have seen it on this species. Shouldn't be seeing myrtle rust over winter but all the sunshine we've been having hasn't helped. Not great!
#conservation #ecology #restorationecology #myrtlerust
Myrtle rust on swamp maire (Syzygium maire) found yesterday.
"Fungus-eating fungus: coming to a myrtle near you?
Reports on iNaturalist and from scientists heading into the field tell us that the 2022-23 myrtle rust 'season' is in full swing. This time around, those with good eyesight or a hand lens/magnifying glass could lend researchers an extra hand by looking out for a fungus that feeds on myrtle rust - a species in the Sphaerellopsis genus."
#myrtlerust #botany #inaturalist
First #MyrtleRust of the season that I've seen.
This is on ramarama that my neighbour planted in their front garden a few years back.
I first noticed the infection two seasons ago.
#myrtlerust #botany #biosecurity