Diolch i @golwg am rannu'r #newyddion diweddaraf am ein partneriaeth efo prosiect #FixMyStreet #mySociety.
#newyddion #fixmystreet #mysociety
Today sees the launch of #mySociety's #Welsh-language version of #FixMyStreet that uses our https://openstreetmap.cymru map:
It can send on complaints to the correct #Local Authority in #Cymru, even if you're not sure where you are.
#mysociety #welsh #fixmystreet #local #cymru
Diolch i Dylan Ebenezer am y cyfle i drafod gwefan newydd #TheyWorkForYou bore 'ma ar #PostCyntaf Radio Cymru
1:39 on the iPlayer marks the start of the interview today with #BBC #RadioCymru's Dylan Ebenezer following the launch of #mySociety's TheyWorkForYou in Wales that shares #Senedd #Cymru's work in a super-accessible manner:
#cymru #senedd #mysociety #radiocymru #bbc #PostCyntaf #theyworkforyou
V chuffed to be part of the #MySociety team launching the Welsh version of #TheyWorkForYou today.
Diolch @likeaword @data_orchard for the intro to polite society : )
3. Cefnogaeth gan y cynullydd data i wneud cyhoeddi'n syml ac effeithiol.
3. Support from the data convener to make publication simple and effective.
@data_orchard for the headsup!
CFP #Data
for the #research. #ymchwil
#ymchwil #research #mysociety #data
#mySociety has been helping underpin UK democracy for 20 years this year, with its services #writetothem #theyworkforyou #whatdotheyknow and #fixmystreet used by millions of people every year, and its open code used by other freedom of information sites and services around the world. People still need help to hold government to account and #civiltech still has a vital contribution to making that happen. Here’s to the next 20 years…
#mysociety #writetothem #theyworkforyou #whatdotheyknow #fixmystreet #civiltech
An #introductionpost - 👋! I care about how we collectively make the world a better place. I chair #mySociety #hubbub & #EnforcementConductBoard, newly set up to make sure everyone in E&W who experiences bailiff action is treated fairly. I’m also a member of the #LegalServicesBoard, the oversight regulator for the legal professions. I’m interested in #ageing #animalwelfare #diversityandinclusion #civilliberties #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #makingart #wales & #gardening inter alia!
#introductionpost #mysociety #Hubbub #enforcementconductboard #legalservicesboard #ageing #animalwelfare #diversityandinclusion #civilliberties #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #makingart #wales #gardening
An #introductionpost - 👋! I care about how we collectively make the world a better place. I chair #mySociety #hubbub & #EnforcementConductBoard, newly set up to make sure everyone in E&W who experiences bailiff action is treated fairly. I’m also a member of the #LegalServicesBoard, the oversight regulator for the legal professions. I’m interested in #ageing #animalwelfare #diversityandinclusion #civilliberties #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #makingart #wales & #gardening inter alia!
#introductionpost #mysociety #Hubbub #enforcementconductboard #legalservicesboard #ageing #animalwelfare #diversityandinclusion #civilliberties #climatecrisis #biodiversitycrisis #makingart #wales #gardening
Idag 28/9 är Internationella Dagen för Universell Tillgång och Rätten att Veta (International #RighttoKnow Day https://www.righttoknowday.net/en/)!
Välkommen att fira idag med oss och våra partners #MySociety samt våra syskonplattformar runt om i Europa under #TiCTeC Show & Tell: "Right to Know across Europe: impacts and lessons learned"
Anmälan: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/right-to-know-across-europe-impacts-and-lessons-learned-tickets-168712336139 #offentlighetsprincipen #FOI #FOIA
#RighttoKnow #mysociety #TiCTeC #offentlighetsprincipen #foi #foia
🏇 Le 28 septembre prochain est la journée internationale de l'accès universel à l'information (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Day_for_Universal_Access_to_Information) :datalove:
A cette occasion, MaDada sera présente à la conférence #TICTeC organisée par #mySociety à côté d'autres plateformes jumelles européenne. Rejoignez-nous, c'est en ligne, ouvert à tous, 16h - 17h en France métropolitaine
#RightToKnow #AccessToInfoDay
#IDUAI2021 #accesstoinfoday #righttoknow #mysociety #tictec
🏇 Le 28 septembre prochain est la journée internationale de l'accès universel à l'information (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Day_for_Universal_Access_to_Information) :datalove:
A cette occasion, MaDada sera présente à la conférence #TICTeC organisée par #mySociety à côté d'autres plateformes jumelles européenne. Rejoignez-nous, c'est en ligne, ouvert à tous, 16h - 17h en France métropolitaine
#RightToKnow #AccessToInfoDay
#tictec #mysociety #righttoknow #accesstoinfoday #IDUAI2021
There are some interesting implications for #Cymru in this #MySociety policy paper on the #FreedomOfInformation Act
#freedomofinformation #mysociety #cymru
Merci à vous #mySociety pour ce chouette entretien, et surtout pour votre énorme travail dans le développement et la maintenance de #Alaveteli, le logiciel libre sur lequel sont basées #MaDada et un tas d'autres plateformes équivalentes dans le monde 😍
Et merci à la communauté #Alaveteli 💓
#logiciellibre #ilovefs
#ilovefs #logiciellibre #madada #alaveteli #mysociety
Merci à vous #mySociety pour ce chouette entretien, et surtout pour votre énorme travail dans le développement et la maintenance de #Alaveteli, le logiciel libre sur lequel sont basées #MaDada et un tas d'autres plateformes équivalentes dans le monde 😍
Et merci à la communauté #Alaveteli 💓
#logiciellibre #ilovefs
#mysociety #alaveteli #madada #logiciellibre #ilovefs
Thank you #mySociety for this nice interview together and for your tremendous work in developing and maintaining the #Alaveteli free software on which #MaDada and so many #FOI platforms rely on all over the world :😍
-- Retweet https://twitter.com/mySociety/status/1380486504049442817
#foi #madada #alaveteli #mysociety
Thank you #mySociety for this nice interview together and for your tremendous work in developing and maintaining the #Alaveteli free software on which #MaDada and so many #FOI platforms rely on all over the world :😍
-- Retweet https://twitter.com/mySociety/status/1380486504049442817
#mysociety #alaveteli #madada #foi
#Wikidata now has all #EU_election candidates in the UK! Brilliant work by #MySociety for the #EveryPolitician project. https://tools.wmflabs.org/editgroups/b/OR/cf1b2a01a/
#wikidata #eu_election #mysociety #everypolitician