#Iran relaunches police patrols against veil violations | Jordan Times - AFP
>Iranian police on Sunday relaunched patrols to catch the increasing number of women leaving their hair uncovered in public in defiance of a strict dress code
The report comes exactly 10 months after the September 16 death in custody of Mahsa Amini, 22, triggered nationwide protests and saw morality police largely disappear from the streets, while more and more women flouted the law
https://jordantimes.com/news/region/iran-relaunches-police-patrols-against-veil-violations-%E2%80%94-media #mysoginy
What. The. Frick.
Why is it ok and seemingly acceptable to bully people in NZ? It's visible in every aspect of our society. From our workplaces to our media, to our treatment of 'others'. How do we end this? Can we ever end this?
#Bullying #ToxicCulture #Racism #Homophobia #Sexism #Mysoginy #Transphobia
#bullying #toxicculture #racism #homophobia #sexism #mysoginy #transphobia
BREAKING: the former head of the Independent Office of Police Conduct has been charged on nine count of sexual offences.
#UKPolitics #WomensRights #SexualAssault #Mysoginy
#mysoginy #sexualassault #womensrights #ukpolitics
And, to this day, coward and despicable men keep comiting the same crime against the law, tolerated by cultures and societies dominated by male disdain, when not hatred, towards women... #maleinhumanity #mysoginy #crimehate
#maleinhumanity #mysoginy #crimehate
One of the greatest tweets in history showing the relation between mysoginy and climate change
#mysoginy #climatechange #fff #fridaysforfuture #wankers
This toxic, fascist rag is not sorry. Clarkson's nasty diatribe has just cheered up millions of misogynistic, petty minded right wing morons and boosted sales.
#JeremyClarkson #TheSun #MeganMarkle #Mysoginy
#jeremyclarkson #thesun #meganmarkle #mysoginy
This toxic, fascist rag is not sorry. Clarkson's nasty diatribe has just cheered up millions of misogynistic, petty minded right wing morons and boosted sales.
#Jeremy Clarkson #The Sun #MeganMarkle #Mysoginy
#jeremy #the #meganmarkle #mysoginy