TIL: http://Kubeblocks.io to run databases on #kubernetes with both day 1 and day 2 support!
#KubernetesDatabase #KubeBlocks #mysql #PostgreSQL #PostgreSQLKubernetes
#kubernetes #kubernetesdatabase #kubeblocks #mysql #postgresql #postgresqlkubernetes
Love Sequel Pro for mac? Check out Sequal Ace (foss project): https://github.com/Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace
#mysql #mariadb #sequelpro #sequelace #foss #github #macos
It was surprisingly fast done to get this little fella #esp01 talking to my #raspberry. Now two of them are up and send #json encoded humidity and temperature.
And I am stucking since hours at this #python stuff getting it right into #mysql database. Better not to start a war, but I really dont like python.
So much code, so small knowlegde...
#esp01 #raspberry #json #python #mysql
RDS now supports blue/green deployments. This should make upgrading servers from mysql 5.7 to 8.0 much easier.
Has anyone ever thought of putting some order in #WordPress #sql queries? To insert one post in #bbPress, wordpress does more than 100 sql queries. I've seen queries with litteraly 1000s of items in the IN clause! I allways knew it was bad, but I couldn't imagine it's that bad #php #mysql
#wordpress #sql #bbpress #php #mysql
In trying to port an existing site that utilised #MySQL date functions including MONTH and YEAR over to the #Prisma ORM, I am finding the latter is not so great at querying by date judging by issues such as this, which despite all the requests for it is still open after two years https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/6653
Calling all #php / #mysql / #codeigniter web devs.
Dashboards for really busy accounts are painfully slow.. (like 20 seconds plus)
I assumed it was database (and i'm sure it partly was), but even after I aggressively cached queries, i'm still getting slow page loads even with 0.5 seconds of DB.
Other accounts are fine. What should I test?
Forget My S.Q.L and My Sequel. I call it `My School` Database!!!
@pixelfed Let me use it on my #AlterVista #PHP / #MySQL #SharedHosting #LaraVista #Laravel
#altervista #php #mysql #sharedhosting #laravista #laravel
第97回 MySQL HeatWave Lakehouseのアーキテクチャ、EDB Postgres Vision Tokyo 2023がまもなく開催
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #MySQL #PostgreSQL #MySQL_HeatWave_Lakehouse #PostgreSQL_16
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #mysql #postgresql #mysql_heatwave_lakehouse #postgresql_16
A fateful move from MariaDB to MySQL for my Ghost blog put me on a path to a database collation train wreck. 😱
Here's how I diagnosed it, engaged upstream developers, and eventually figured out it was my problem all along:
#ghost #blog #mariadb #mysql #database
Have a use case that requires multiple cache configurations for the same database? PolyScale now supports multi-cache invalidation. https://docs.polyscale.ai/how-does-it-work/#multi-cache-invalidations #postgresql #postgres #mysql #caching
#postgresql #postgres #mysql #caching
Since #mysql 8.0.27, a new Group Replication communication stack has appeared 🛸
Until this version, Group Replication used its own protocol and port (33061) to talk to other nodes: XCOM.
After this version, the recommended stack is MYSQL which uses the same port and protocol as clients.
Since MySQL Shell 8.0.30, the MYSQL communication stack is now the default option to create an InnoDB cluster ⚠️
Anyone using #django-allauth with #mysql, please note this issue when upgrading to latest allauth version.
Spent more time than expected to optimize COUNT queries in #PostgreSQL in the last two weeks.
This was very surprising to me as I mostly work with #MySQL and #MariaDB.
But I achieved a speed-up of 150-550% in parts of my customers #NeosCMS application with small adjustments and not using the ORM.
Happy but somehow also disappointed that this is necessary.
Here is one blog post I found that explains some of the reasons and solutions:
#PostgreSQL #mysql #mariadb #neoscms