As a DBA, develop a critical mind when receiving advice
On the Internet, you can get a lot of advice from almost anywhere when you're looking for information on how to do your DBA job.
My blog is one of these sources of advice, and depending on the source, we generally trust the advice more or less.
But sometimes advice doesn't take the whole picture into account, and
#80 #MySQL #MySQL80 #Replication
Deploy Moodle on OCI with Ampere and MySQL HeatWave
If you want to deploy Moodle on OCI, you can use Ampere compute instances as application server and MySQL HeatWave Database Service to store the data.
Depending on your requirements, MySQL HeatWave can provide High Availability and Query Acceleration.
In this post, we will see th
#80 #Cloud #HeatWave #MDS #Moodle #MySQL #MySQL80 #OCI #Stacks #Terraform
#cloud #heatwave #mds #moodle #mysql #mysql80 #oci #stacks #terraform
About Apache Superset with MySQL 8.0
Yesterday, I published an article explaining how to easily deploy Apache Superset on OCI using MySQL HeatWave Database Service.
There are some people not using the automation or not using MySQL HeatWave Database Service on OCI but want to still use Superset with MySQL 8.0.
In this blog, we will how to fix eventual error
#80 #ApacheSuperset #DataVisualization #MySQL #MySQL80 #Python
#ApacheSuperset #datavisualization #mysql #mysql80 #python
Using Cloud Shell with MySQL HeatWave Database Service in OCI
Last time we tried to connect to a MySQL DB instance in OCI with Cloud Shell, we needed to use the bastion service. See here.
Now, we also have the possibility to bypass the bastion host as Cloud Shell offers the possibility to change network.
As you know, in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
#80 #Cloud #HeatWave #MDS #MySQL #MySQL80 #OCI
#cloud #heatwave #mds #mysql #mysql80 #oci
WordPress with MySQL on OCI always Free
I already wrote on how to deploy WordPress on OCI using MySQL HeatWave, the MySQL Database Service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:
Using MySQL Database Service for WordPress
Deploying WordPress on OCI with MySQL Database Service: the easy way !
Deploy WordPress on OCI using MDS – updated version
Deploy WordP
#80 #Cloud #MySQL #MySQL80 #OCI #Stacks #Terraform #wordpress
#cloud #mysql #mysql80 #oci #stacks #terraform #wordpress