On September 11, 1963, William Castle’s 13 Frightened Girls debuted in New York City. Here’s some original Kathy Dunn art to celebrate!
#13FrightenedGirls #WilliamCastle #KathyDunn #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryFIlm #TeenMovie #ComedyMovies #ExploitationFilm #MysteryMovies #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#13frightenedgirls #williamcastle #kathydunn #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysteryfilm #teenmovie #comedymovies #exploitationfilm #mysterymovies #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
Sunday morning abstract
#SundayMorningAbstract #ScannerArt #ScanningTheBlankFrames #AbstractArt #AbstractFilm #120Film #MediumFormat #Kodak #KodakFilm #KodakPortra160VC #Hasselblad #Hasselblad500cm #FilmPhotography #AnalogFilm #BelieveInFilm #ShotOnFilm #GrainIsGood #ExpiredFilm #MysteryFilm
#mysteryfilm #expiredfilm #grainisgood #shotonfilm #believeinfilm #analogfilm #filmphotography #hasselblad500cm #hasselblad #kodakportra160vc #kodakfilm #kodak #mediumformat #120film #abstractfilm #abstractart #scanningtheblankframes #scannerart #sundaymorningabstract
Sunday morning abstract: pulling out the dark slide.
#SundayMorningAbstract #ScannerArt #ScanningTheBlankFrames #AbstractArt #AbstractFilm #120Film #MediumFormat #Kodak #KodakFilm #KodakPortra160VC #Hasselblad #Hasselblad500cm #FilmPhotography #AnalogFilm #BelieveInFilm #ShotOnFilm #GrainIsGood #ExpiredFilm #MysteryFilm
#mysteryfilm #expiredfilm #grainisgood #shotonfilm #believeinfilm #analogfilm #filmphotography #hasselblad500cm #hasselblad #kodakportra160vc #kodakfilm #kodak #mediumformat #120film #abstractfilm #abstractart #scanningtheblankframes #scannerart #sundaymorningabstract
Crap, they’ve chalked our tires.
#120film #mediumformat #kodak #KodakFilm #KodakPortra160VC #hasselblad #hasselblad500cm #filmphotography #analogfilm #believeinfilm #shotonfilm #grainisgood #expiredfilm #thecityisart #mysteryfilm
#mysteryfilm #thecityisart #expiredfilm #grainisgood #shotonfilm #believeinfilm #analogfilm #filmphotography #hasselblad500cm #hasselblad #kodakportra160vc #kodakfilm #kodak #mediumformat #120film
Using up the mystery film that came in the Hasselblad 500CM.
#120film #mediumformat #kodak #KodakFilm #KodakPortra160VC #hasselblad #hasselblad500cm #filmphotography #analogfilm #believeinfilm #shotonfilm #grainisgood #expiredfilm #thecityisart #mysteryfilm
#mysteryfilm #thecityisart #expiredfilm #grainisgood #shotonfilm #believeinfilm #analogfilm #filmphotography #hasselblad500cm #hasselblad #kodakportra160vc #kodakfilm #kodak #mediumformat #120film
On April 18, 1963, William Castle’s 13 Frightened Girls debuted in West Germany. Here’s some original Kathy Dunn art to celebrate!
#13FrightenedGirls #WilliamCastle #KathyDunn #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryFIlm #TeenMovie #ComedyMovies #ExploitationFilm #MysteryMovies #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#13frightenedgirls #williamcastle #kathydunn #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysteryfilm #teenmovie #comedymovies #exploitationfilm #mysterymovies #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 18, 1951, The Beast with Five Fingers debuted in Portugal. Celebrating the anniversary with some original Peter Lorre art!
#TheBeastWithFiveFingers #PeterLorre #TCMUnderground #Svengoolie #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #FanArt #BlackAndWhiteFilm #MysteryFilm #ClassicFilm #ClassicHorror #Art #PopArt #MovieArt MovieHistory
#thebeastwithfivefingers #peterlorre #tcmunderground #svengoolie #horror #horrormovies #horrorart #FanArt #blackandwhitefilm #mysteryfilm #classicfilm #classichorror #art #popart #movieart
On April 5, 1974, Night Watch debuted in Finland. Here’s some original Elizabeth Taylor art!
#NightWatch #BrianGHutton #ElizabethTaylor #SuspenseThriller #Horror #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #HorrorThriller #1970s #CrimeThriller #MysteryFilm #TCMUnderground #Movies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightwatch #brianghutton #elizabethtaylor #suspensethriller #horror #horrorart #horrormovies #horrorthriller #1970s #crimethriller #mysteryfilm #tcmunderground #movies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 5, 1959, Screaming Mimi debuted in Mexico. Here’s some original Harry Townes and Anita Ekberg art to celebrate!
#ScreamingMimi #GerdOswald #AnitaEkberg #HarryTownes #FilmNoir #Noir #MysteryFilm #PsychologicalThriller #TCMUnderground #50sNoir #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#screamingmimi #gerdoswald #anitaekberg #harrytownes #filmnoir #noir #mysteryfilm #psychologicalthriller #tcmunderground #50snoir #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On February 8, 1947 The Beast with Five Fingers debuted in the United States. Celebrating the anniversary with some original Peter Lorre art!
#TheBeastWithFiveFingers #PeterLorre #TCMUnderground #Svengoolie #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #FanArt #BlackAndWhiteFilm #MysteryFilm #ClassicFilm #ClassicHorror #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thebeastwithfivefingers #peterlorre #tcmunderground #svengoolie #horror #horrormovies #horrorart #FanArt #blackandwhitefilm #mysteryfilm #classicfilm #classichorror #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On January 30, 2003 The Ring debuted in Argentina. Here’s some original Samara art!
#TheRing #GoreVerbinski #DaveighChase #Samara #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorMovies #2000sHorror #GhostFilm #MysteryFilm #HorrorRemake #Drawing #TechnoHorror #HorrorArt #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thering #goreverbinski #daveighchase #Samara #supernaturalhorror #horrormovies #2000shorror #ghostfilm #mysteryfilm #horrorremake #drawing #technohorror #horrorart #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On January 29, 2021 When a Stranger Calls and The Caller were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original art inspired by both features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #WhenAStrangerCalls #TheCaller #CarolKane #MalcolmMcDowell #MysteryThriller #ThrillerFilm #HorrorThriller #SciFIThriller #MysteryFilm #NeoNoir #Art #PopArt #FanArt #CultMovies #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #whenastrangercalls #thecaller #carolkane #malcolmmcdowell #mysterythriller #thrillerfilm #horrorthriller #scifithriller #mysteryfilm #neonoir #art #popart #FanArt #cultmovies #moviehistory
On December 16, 1971 The Cat o' Nine Tales debuted in Madrid, Spain. Posting some original fan art to mark the occasion!
#TheCatONineTails #DarioArgento #ItalianFiom #MysteryFilm #HorrorThriller #Giallo #Giallos #CultCinema #ExploitationFilm #Art #NotebookArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thecatoninetails #darioargento #italianfiom #mysteryfilm #horrorthriller #giallo #giallos #cultcinema #exploitationfilm #art #notebookart #movieart #moviehistory