Something something Myst Online something something
#gaming #gameing #myst #mystonline #stream
Blog post: Thinking about Seltani again.
#myst #mystonline #interactivefiction #muds
Playing some Myst Online with MonkeyLinkMega and PurpleGoddess_Izzy!
#stream #mystonline #myst #gameing #gaming
Another new Age in Myst Online: URU Live! Let's give it a look-see!
#stream #mystonline #myst #gameing #gaming
Yesterday's Myst Online update was an Age rescued and redeveloped from Cyan's very earliest ideas for the game.
Going live with the Myst Online update! A new Age!
#stream #mystonline #myst #gameing #gaming
New stuff today in Myst Online (Uru Live) [again].
Which means I have updated , which has spoiler lists of updates... in RSS form. Also non-spoiler lists if you want your RSS reader to just tell you that there's new stuff. Or if you want it to tell you where to look, but not what you'll find.
This was an extremely nerdy project in 2007 and I am rather smug that I've kept it going. (With a twelve-year hiatus, obviously.)
Has our pellet baked? How do we even give it to someone to drop? Where should we drop it? Let's play some Myst Online: URU Live!
#mystonline #stream #gameing #gaming
Back in the Cavern with Myst Online: URU Live! Let's figure out these pellet things.
#mystonline #stream #gameing #gaming
@Zenny Quite a few of us! 🥰 #SecondLife #MystOnline #OpenSim
#secondlife #mystonline #opensim