#mystory 🧵 3️⃣
Tenhle most je místo, kam jsem už v pubertě chodila, když jsem se necítila psychicky dobře.
Důvod? Nevycházela jsem od dětství se svou matkou, která vždycky byla poměrně slušně "psycho". A jako milující maminka se nikdy nechovala. Já se matkou stát nikdy nechci.
Tenhle most je místo, kde se stalo hodně klíčových momentů v mém milostném životě.
Upla jsem se na tento most. Začala jsem se věnovat jeho historii a propagaci v rámci spolku, který dostal název Přátelé starého mostu.
#mystory 🧵 2️⃣
Rok 1999. Nastoupila jsem na novou základku do 5. A.
Ze začátku byli noví spolužáci vesměs kamarádští. Postupem času nastal psychický teror spíše od holek...
Na začátku hodin jsem zůstávala stát, protože mi nikdo nechtěl půjčit prázdnou židli, 🪑 kterou měl vedle sebe. Brali mi svačiny. Jednou svačina letěla z prvního patra i s taškou. ⬇️🎒🍌
Už jako dítě jsem si říkala, že nemám ráda děti. 🙂
Pak mě přeřadili do béčka, kde to bylo o něco lepší, ale bez šikany se to neobešlo.
#mystory 🧵 1️⃣
Květen 2008. Moje maturita. Vesměs všichni spolužáci jsou ve stresu, spíš ticho. Zatímco já mám skvělou náladu a vlastně se divím, že jsem jediná z celé skupiny, kdo se cítí úplně skvěle.
U válečné literatury dokonce vtipkuju tak, až mi komise vytýká, že se chovám nevhodně. Ale umím.
Stojíme v řadě u vyhlášení: Když vyhlašují známky a mně řeknou 2, 2, 2, 2, tak mi spadne obrovský šutr ze srdce. Tělo se povolí a já se musím opřít o stěnu. Tolik emocí najednou nedokážu ovládnout...
They're both sharing a personal story and about U and all.
I don't know about others but I will get in touch with you. ..
INI新曲「My Story」が主題歌に!高塚大夢が作詞初挑戦 映画「ストールンプリンセス:キーウの王女とルスラン」日本語吹き替え版主題歌入り本予告 https://www.magmoe.com/872242/maidigitv/2023-07-13/
#INI #MAiDiGi #maidigitv #mantan #mystory #アニメ #ストールンプリンセス:キーウの王女とルスラン #斎藤工 #映画 #高塚大夢 #高橋李依 #髙塚大夢
#ini #maidigi #maidigitv #mantan #mystory #アニメ #ストールンプリンセス #斎藤工 #映画 #高塚大夢 #高橋李依 #髙塚大夢
#MyStory by Kamala Das is only autobiography (with some fiction) I have ever been able to complete.
Tipkajmo zajedno neku priču protkanu šarenim bojama. Da nebo nije samo plavo, nego da mijenja boje kakve mi poželimo. Da potoci i rijeke teku mirno i daju šum koji se stapa s cvrkutom ptica. A mi bezbrižno hodamo poljima prepunim cvijeća. Vjetar se igra s kosama naših zaigranih glava. #mystory
My piano doubles up as a writing desk. Time for an hour’s creative. ✍️ 📖
I’m not putting a time scale on this project.
I can’t because the time I can afford to devote to it is limited. But it will get finished one day. I hope. There are other projects that need time too! #book #mybook #mystory #autobiography #truestory #mylife #author #poet #writer #creator
#book #mybook #mystory #autobiography #truestory #mylife #author #poet #writer #creator
That’s book time interrupted by cleaning and hoovering. I managed another chapter. Thank goodness for Office 365. I need to try and make more time available to devote to writing. So many things going on at the moment it’s hard to find the quiet space and time. Still, any progress is progress. #writing #book #author #childhood #mystory
#writing #book #author #childhood #mystory
I got a Quest VR set for Christmas, and the primary thing I use it for is workout & cardio schtuff. It’s especially good for when I really can’t leave the apartment and need to get my heart rate going.
So, am I incredibly pissed off when I wind up fifth in a five-person Beat Saber online session? HELL NO. While they may not be teenagers, they’re still likely 20 years younger than I am.
#mystory #stickingtoit #movemoreeatless #jedimartialarts
Why I Wrote That Really Transphobic Blog Post and How I Changed My Mind
The best deconversion stories involve shedding more than religion. I've talked before about how harmful beliefs like misogyny and b
#LGBTQ+Equality #MyPersonalEvolution #MyStory #SocialJustice #Atheism #blairewhite #jkrowling #lgbtq #nonbinary #trans #transequality #transrights #transgender #transphobia
#lgbtq #mypersonalevolution #mystory #socialjustice #atheism #blairewhite #jkrowling #nonbinary #trans #transequality #transrights #transgender #transphobia
New on Finley.im: Long Winter
For the last dawn, we stood like Men - holding hands, tails erect. Big Rock was eating the sun. My mate whimpered.
Our cub burst from its den, stick in mouth. Not now! I growled.
It pawsed, poised, and cast the stick sunward.
Time stopped.
The wand hung, sparkling ...
Padao je snijeg dva dana i dvije noći. Hodali smo izgubljeni u bjelilu i jedino grijanje je bila cigara u ustima. Lažem. Zapalili smo jednom vatru kad smo iskopali rupu u zemlji, noću. Kad je bilo minus deset da zagrijemo okamenjena stopala. I skuhali smo rižu. Šake su podrhtavale pri svakom zalogaju. Nikad ukusnije jelo jer imali smo i malo soli. Snijeg je šaptao pri svakom našem koraku "preživjet ćemo...hodajte" dok je na očnim kapcima čučao umor i san. #mystory
Bilo nas je pedeset. Golobradih, neiskusnih sivonja kojima se u glavi vrtile hiljade slika uspaljenih ženskih međunožja. Bus, drndav i bučan vozio je makadamom dok je pod gumama prštalo sitno kamenje. Pogled kroz poluzamagljen prozor je bio divan. Protezale su se livade i proplanci u daljini kao da ih je slikar na platnu naslikao. Kao da se božija ruka spustila na tlo i sve oblikovala. "Ne želim da pucam, ne želim nikoga da ubijem, ne želim da ratujem" - pomislio sam s dubokim uzdahom. #mystory
2023 began, as all New Years, with fireworks and optimism. That optimism have way to realism, in the morning. So, I will talk to someone about my issues and start to take control of my narrative. :BlobhajHeart: #2023 #mentalhealth #mystory #bethechange
#bethechange #mystory #mentalhealth
Dok sam hodao sokakom prljavim, smeće razbacano se smiješilo kao da se ruga : "zalutao si u ljudski nemar šetaču s rukama u džepovima", na cipelama mi se hvatao smolast sloj s asfalta.
Na kraju sokaka s dogorjelom cigaretom među prstima, shvatio sam da moje skupe cipele izgledaju odrpano kao u pijanca ili beskućnika. Tačno, zalutao sam u ljudsku prljavštinu.
Na kraju sokako čekala me neprohodna šumica puna šiblja. Osjetih se kao najveći gubitnik dok sam bacao cigaretu i gutao knedlu. #mystory
The time portal failure leaves us only old media to watch, while we await rescue.
Look here - Scrooge : A Christmas Carol.
The first 15 minutes are such a poignant documentary of this period - trapped as we are between ghosts, in cold, unkind, Victorian England, the Year of our Lord 2022
#SciFanSat kind #vss365 between #myStory
@scifansat @vss365
However self-diagnosing is most of the time better than getting a diagnosis from a therapist or a doctor. I still believe that even to this day and I’m not the only one. Who thinks this. Anyways I’m getting off track. I was able to buy more feminine clothes. Sports bras and even a couple of regular bras and the rest is pretty much history. I have a name and a gender and I’m happy. That’s what matters the most right? 4/4
#lgbtq #lgbtqia #trans #Transgender #MyStory
#lgbtq #lgbtqia #trans #transgender #mystory
It finally happened. I had already started wearing a bra. A cheapie one I bought online and when it came my dad got the package from the mail and I played it off like I didn’t know what it was because they still didn’t know. It would take a lot more months before I had told them. I had already been doing research on Gender Dysphoria and noticed that that’s what I had been going through. It was a self diagnosis. 3/? #lgbtq #lgbtqia #trans #Transgender #MyStory
#lgbtq #lgbtqia #trans #transgender #mystory