@BenjaminBugl Do you know more about #mythicbastionland? I'm not into #DnD / #OSR clones, but this looks very intriguing (so far) ! In my opinion, it feels like #Pendragon on (smart) drugs?!
It is quite possible that I will support this project for once. We'll see.
#mythicbastionland #dnd #osr #Pendragon
#OSR - all too often "unpleasant old white (#MAGA) men" explain how role-playing is supposed to be played properly.
Every now and then, something "exceptional" stands out - that deserves a second look.
Yesterday, I stumbled across #MythicBastionland! Theme and artwork - just wow!
As far as I understand it right now, it's about knights on dreamlike quests?
Surprise! #Kickstarter incoming...
#osr #maga #mythicbastionland #Kickstarter #playtest #art #bastionland #dnd #ttrpg
So, #MythicBastionland KS is coming on the 7th of November. I’m following this. So ready for it.
I'm likely to be going on about:
#Traveller #Godbound #MythicBastionland #BladesInTheDark #DnD #WorldBuilding #DaydreamingAboutDragons #IndieGamesNewsletter
#traveller #godbound #mythicbastionland #bladesinthedark #DnD #worldbuilding #daydreamingaboutdragons #indiegamesnewsletter
In giving advice for campaign planning, my advice looks more and more like the post-first-session stuff from Apocalypse World.
I'm okay with that.
The idea of planning a level 1 to level 20 campaign from start to finish is nutty to me.
If not AW, I'd point someone towards Mythic Bastionland's hex map prep stuff.
#apocalypseworld #mythicbastionland
While it becomes more and more obvious that ChatGPT is totally unreliable when it comes to sources, coding tips, technical advice etc., I'm more and more impressed at its potential for rpg prep.
I asked it to create PCs for Mythic Bastionland (still in playtest by @bastionland , and I probably got the ability names wrong), and that's how it went.
And you can ask for possible relationships, backstories, everything, and it's usually quite coherent.
#ttrpg #chatgpt #gdr #mythicbastionland
@TrialsOfBren This week I'm really into the pamphlet Muster, learning about the Free Kriegspeil Revolution, and reading the Mythic Bastionland playtest doc. All while waiting patiently for my Old School Essentials boxed sets to ship.
#Muster #ose #osr #fkr #mythicbastionland #ttrpg
Lulu Mail Call! #mythicbastionland, #CairnRPG , #LootHunters
#mythicbastionland #CairnRPG #LootHunters