Echoes of a Dreamer is my newly created #show. A #narrative #podcast using Dr.Seuss' rhyme style. Each episode is a full #story
Should be available on most platforms already!
These 2 are the first ones available, should be weekly.
#show #narrative #Podcast #story #audiodrama #mythologies #podcasts #podcastseries
Echoes of a Dreamer is my newly created #show. A #narrative #podcast using Dr.Seuss' rhyme style. Each episode is a full #story
Should be available on most platforms already!
The listener is the Dreamer... Welcome to "Echoes of a Dreamer," a captivating podcast series that unveils enchanting mythological stories in each episode.
#show #narrative #Podcast #story #audiodrama #mythologies #podcasts #podcastseries
#free #book #Norse #Paganism for Beginners: A Compendium of Norse #Mythologies, Stories & #Folktales (#Mythology and Paganism) by Roy, Monica.
#deal #delete #ebooks #ebook @Viking @BlueDouche @SirSpencer
#free #book #norse #paganism #mythologies #folktales #mythology #deal #delete #ebooks #ebook
The MAN-MADE Origins of #Genesis
Did the authors of Genesis take inspiration from the rich tapestry of Assyrian and Babylonian #mythologies that preceded them? Derek Lambert deftly guides us through the maze of evidence that reveals the undeniable influence of these earlier works on the Genesis narrative. One need only know where to look to uncover the tantalizing threads of intertextuality that bind these #ancient #tales together.
#bible #OT #jewish #religion #text
#genesis #mythologies #ancient #tales #bible #ot #jewish #religion #text
Il fallait bien qu'il sorte un jour : #Cybernetruc #9 est là.
Des #Mythologies de Roland Barthes aux IA génératives, de la locomotive de Stephenson au Cobaye de Brett Leonard, on se penche sur ce que les IA génératives changent dans notre perception de l'intelligence.
Sur la façon dont elles ont ouvert une brèche dans le mythe grand public de l'intelligence en rendant celle-ci duplicable, comparable et au final chiffrable.
C'est "💵 Capitalisme" et c'est ici :
#Lectures2023, épisode 3.
Après Foucault, les #Mythologies de Roland #Barthes. Une lecture mythologique du monde petit-bourgeois et du poujadisme qui n'a rien perdu de son actualité.
On peut d'ailleurs se poser la question des mythologies déployées par le monde numérique, et notamment de la mythologie de l'intelligence artificielle. On y reviendra très très certainement dans les semaines qui viennent.
Et en attendant, on passe à un peu de fiction jeunesse.
(Roland Barthes, Mythologies / 1957)
#lectures2023 #mythologies #Barthes
Daft Punk’s Thomas Bangalter Has a Face-to-Face Reveal for New Solo Album #2023_01_25 #vulture #alejandra_gularte #music #daft_punk #thomas_bangalter #mythologies #electronic #instrumental #get_lucky
#2023_01_25 #vulture #alejandra_gularte #music #daft_punk #thomas_bangalter #mythologies #electronic #instrumental #get_lucky
Et forcément, tournant en rond dans ma tête, je me demande, dans le prolongement des #Mythologies de Roland #Barthes, ce que serait la mythologie de l'intelligence artificielle.
Comment elle rebondirait sur la thématique de l'intelligence et du bon sens. Ce que veut dire le terme, si ce n'est que l'intelligence est automatisable, remplaçable par une machine comme n'importe quelle qualité.
Et que les métiers de l'esprit ne sont finalement, et en conséquence, pas si exceptionnels que ça.
Merci à @notabenemovies de m'avoir renouvelé sa confiance pour cette collaboration de plume.
Je suis ravis d'avoir pu travailler à l'écriture d'une vidéo consacrée à un tel monument de l'Histoire humaine. J'espère qu'elle vous plaira.
#histoire #religion #mythologies
I've been fascinated with #OriginStories since childhood.
Growing up, I was very fortunate to have had access to 3 very well stocked libraries nearby, which had quite the eclectic collection amongst them. Including #FairyTales and #mythologies from around the world.
But I had never read our own #tribal #OriginStories. #Vedic & #Puranic stories yes.
Imagine my joy when I happened upon this book on #Gondi #legends of Central India in #NewArrivals @ #NationalBookTrust.
#originstories #fairytales #mythologies #tribal #vedic #puranic #gondi #legends #newarrivals #nationalbooktrust #mastindia
Every well-loved garden whispers its own seasonal #mythologies, essentially reflecting benevolent cycles of life.
Besides birthing sweet new red tomatoes, the warmer seasons here are marked first by white cat shedding (like Spring rain), then black tadpole morphing (fecundity of Summer!)
On black friday, I spent 10 bucks on 2 fun objets d'art as offerings for the #frog pond, since an #abundance of Australian native frog #tadpoles will enchant our tinkling pond by Midsummer’s Eve.🐸#FollowBack
#mythologies #frog #abundance #tadpoles #followback
A few photos from the Chinese Shrine of the Tiger Lord (ศาลเจ้าพ่อเสือ) in Bangkok. #shrine #temple #mythologies #Chinese #Bangkok
#bangkok #chinese #mythologies #temple #shrine
- On Death -
In Tomson Highway’s fifth and final Massey lecture, he argues that Christianity offers a dismal vision of the afterlife. The Greeks offered something a bit more positive. But in the Indigenous view of our life after death, he says, when we die, we stay right here on earth, “smack in the middle of that circle that is our garden, the one we were given the responsibility to care for when we came into this world as newborns.”
#mortality #indigenous #mythologies
- On Creation -
In the second of his lectures, Tomson Highway asks: “How did the place we know as the universe come into being? What kind of god or angel or combination thereof was responsible for its creation?” For the ancient Greeks, the world was created through sex, and humans were not here to suffer but to enjoy. Christianity offered something more linear: a beginning, middle and end of things. Highway suggests that the Indigenous world view offers something else. “Those who lived in ages before us — our mothers, our grandmothers, our great-great grandmothers, our children who have died, our loved ones — they live here with us, still, today, in the very air we breathe,” he says.
#indigenous #mythologies #creation
An addendum #introduction as I'm feeling a bit more courageous.
Very interested in #MentalHealth and #neurodivergence - currently on meds for anxiety & depression. Not officially diagnosed for ASD but a lot indicate that I fall within the spectrum.
I experience anxiety over #ClimateChange and do what I can as an individual to not add to the problem.
Love nature & my art reflects it -- #florals #mushrooms #insects #birds etc. Fascinated by #FairyTales and #Mythologies. Here is one recent #art.
#introduction #mentalhealth #neurodivergence #climatechange #florals #mushrooms #insects #birds #fairytales #mythologies #art
_Laughing with the Trickster_
Indigenous mythologies provide unique, timeless solutions to our modern problems, says Tomson Highway.
As this year’s CBC Massey lecturer, the acclaimed Cree playwright and author explores some of the fundamental questions of human existence through the lens of Indigenous mythologies, and contrasts them with the ideas from ancient Greece and Christianity.
In the first lecture, On Language, Tomson Highway argues that language shapes the way we see the world. "Like bird song, languages make our planet a beautiful place, a fascinating place — indeed, a miraculous place — to live on," he writes. Without language, we are lost creatures in a meaningless existence — which is why we tell stories. Language helps us create different mythologies, ways of understanding who we are and why we're here.
#language #mythologies #humour #storytelling #indigenous
Hi #NEISVoid! My #hEDS, #POTS, #ADHD (#neurodivergence is the spice of life), #anxiety, exacerbated #ChronicFatigue & #BrainFog #PostCOVID, etc. & I are new here. #introduction 👋🏼
I’m a health policy lawyer by day & passionate about #intersectionality, #solidarity, movement lawyering, & fighting sexist #hysteria-related #mythologies that show up in health care. #Bookish & bi. 🌈
I’ll mostly talk #LivedExperience here & health law & policy on my main account,, but they intersect.
#NEISvoid #heds #pots #adhd #neurodivergence #anxiety #chronicfatigue #brainfog #PostCovid #introduction #intersectionality #solidarity #hysteria #mythologies #bookish #livedexperience
Show #recommendation: ANCIENT APOCALYPSE on #Netlfix
Tag line: "Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age."
I love this show. It takes the archaeological evidence and speculations that have led some to think about ancient aliens and turns it back to earth-bound human history. A fascinating theory and right along the lines that get my attention - esp. in how we ought to think about ancient #mythologies.
#recommendation #netlfix #mythologies
Grâce aux abonné·e·s d' ma dernière chronique sur la politique dans la presse people est en accès libre ! Quand Gala nous parle de couples, le mot "amour" sert à éviter les mots "travail gratuit", "charge mentale" "exploitation économique et sexuelle".