Don't miss the opportunities that come your way. They only present themselves once.
Especially if it's a chance to say goodbye.
After that you only have the "should haves" & "would haves" to haunt you till the day you die.
#life #wisdoms #mythoughts #justdoitlive
I don't know why, but seeing the Barbie movie in this climate… It doesn't sit right with me. It screams beyond privilege and delusion, and I know that it's only me that could be thinking like this, which is why it is my opinion. But I'm curious if I'm the only one that thinks like this.
I know a person can’t just be all serious all the time. Heard it’s good though.
#Mythoughts #America #affirmativeaction #RoeVersusWade #lgbtrights #blacklivesmatter #gunreform
#gunreform #blacklivesmatter #lgbtrights #RoeversusWade #affirmativeaction #america #mythoughts
#Audio #Post: #RNZ #Checkpoint just mentioned #CommerceCommission receiving #Complaints regarding #PayWave #Surcharge #MyThoughts #Petition
#audio #post #rnz #checkpoint #commercecommission #complaints #paywave #surcharge #mythoughts #petition
#Reading #Dianetics #SoYouDontHaveTo
#Scientology #nonsense
Chapter 1 - The Scope of Dianetics (pages 7-13)
#MyThoughts - The purple prose hurts my brain. I can see why people think his earlier fiction is hard-to-read. I do, however, appreciate all the foot-notes.
#CW - This chapter contains some casual racism that was common to the era. I will not quote or reference those statements in this thread.
#reading #dianetics #soyoudonthaveto #scientology #nonsense #mythoughts #cw
if i can find things i need on ebay or poshmark i am much more inclined to buy them there vs retail.
& something i think is endearing is when a seller goes out of their way to nicely wrap stuff and attach a note.
bc it makes me picture them feeling good and proud about their enterprise and i think its touching.
#myworld #mythoughts #homebound #shopping #ebay
How to say, “my condolences” in Hebrew.
#condolences #mycondolences #hebrewvocabulary #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #shiva #jewishcustoms #shloshim #griefsupport #sympathy #hebrewphrase #culturelesson #hebrewteacher #condolencecard #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #mythoughts #myprayers #mysympathy #feelyourpain #prayers #Fediverse #Mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#condolences #mycondolences #hebrewvocabulary #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #shiva #jewishcustoms #shloshim #griefsupport #sympathy #hebrewphrase #culturelesson #hebrewteacher #condolencecard #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #mythoughts #myprayers #mysympathy #feelyourpain #prayers #fediverse #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
New post (Don’t burn bridges by behaving unprofessionally when you leave a company) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
New post (Don’t burn bridges by behaving unprofessionally when you leave a company) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
New post (You shouldn’t spend money teaching folks how to survive in your toxic work culture, instead fix the Toxic culture) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
New post (It is now possible to put undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
#computersoftware #emergingtech #mythoughts #techrelated
Friendship works two ways, the same as a marriage. When you know someone is struggling but you don't reach out to them all because you don't agree with them saying: My body. My choice. You are not in fact a true friend. Why would you expect that person to be one when you are upset?
New post (Product Idea: Use ChatGPT to write movie/TV Tech Jargon dialogs) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
#emergingtech #mythoughts #techrelated
Don't trust a man who doesn't like dogs, but trust a dog when he doesn't like a man.
New post (Fewer than 50% of smart appliances are connected to the internet by users and that percentage is too high) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
New post (Working remotely doesn’t leads to lonely people no matter what folks on Twitter say) has been published on Suramya's Blog:
More of my life is behind than before. I think that we have forgotten perspective and introspection.
We live in a time where a faux identity has gripped us.
Where we are being conditioned by outward forces to be something that we are not
Calling something older than Christianity doesn’t actually show that it is super old
Manager upset about order of recipients in email