@Stoned_Deva_ And if you dare toot about it, you'll eventually get a reply with a Thich Nhat Hahn quote from someone telling you to chill
🙋♀️ #mytruth. 😂😂😂
In the post-truth, opinion-as-fact, my-lived-experience era does April Fool’s Day have any meaning any longer? Every day’s events can be whatever we believe they are. #ClimateChangeHoax #WarIsPeace #BrexitBenefits #HousesForAll #VictimOlymics #CovidScamdemic #MyTruth #AprilFool
#climatechangehoax #warispeace #BrexitBenefits #housesforall #victimolymics #covidscamdemic #mytruth #aprilfool
#RedFlag: It seems like everyone's a victim these days. Yes, some people who claim to have been victimized have objectively truly been harmed (not the #MyTruth truth, which are usually lies).
Unlike #ProfessionalVictims, these individuals don't build an identity (and a career) centered on being a #victim. They seek support, heal, get on with their lives and are capable of having healthy, functional relationships.
Furthermore, professional victims are often the actual aggressors in their relationships. So, when a new acquaintance, date, coworker, etc., launches into their tales of victimhood and grievances upon first meeting them, exercise caution. Switch off your empathy, and ask yourself why this stranger is telling you such intimate (and possibly false) details about their history.
Best case scenario, they're freshly out of a bad relationship and are vulnerable (and not yet relationship ready). Worst case scenario, they're sizing you up to be their next #NPD, #HPD, #BPD happy meal.
Give people who do the following a VERY wide berth and don't share anything too personal with them (i.e., keep it superficial and arm's length):
1) Makes money from victimhood claims (especially absent any criminal complaints/convictions of the alleged perp).
2) Brags about being able to wallpaper their living rooms with restraining orders against multiple former partners. In this case, the restraining orders are trophies of the many exes they've abused.
3) Is an “influencer”/seeks followers and attention from being a victim.
4) Trashes their supposed #narcissist ex(es) online while taking support money and refusing to get an actual job. Extra caution points if they're continuously back in #FamilyCourt trying to take custody away from their ex over objectively stupid shit. For example, not replying to their #HighConflictDivorce name-calling, demands to ignore/violate the custody order at will and other petty dramas.
5) Still identifies as a victim and hates their ex with the same venomous intensity years after the relationship has ended. Non-#PersonalityDisorder people are able to eventually let go of their hurt, anger and resentment and move on.
If you choose to ignore these warning signs, odds are you'll become the professional victim's next victim.
#AbuseHasNoGender #histrionic #borderline #AmberHeard #DumbPrinceAndHisStupidWife #MeghanMarkle
#redflag #mytruth #professionalvictims #victim #npd #hpd #bpd #narcissist #familycourt #highconflictdivorce #personalitydisorder #abusehasnogender #histrionic #borderline #amberheard #dumbprinceandhisstupidwife #MeghanMarkle
#MyTruth #OldFriends #Miracles my truth today feeling so much joy to have reconnected with an old friend from 28 years ago. Me a young kiwi chick her a young Sri Lankan, both of us teaching at a school in Moscow❤️
#mytruth #OldFriends #miracles
In my experience, people who #rationalize their crappy behavior by spinning it as "#MyTruth" typically aren't all that interested in hearing anyone else's "truth." Especially if #YourTruth or #TheTruth contradicts #TheirTruth.
#AbuseHasNoGender #NPD #BPD #BPD #narcissist #borderline #histrionic
#rationalize #mytruth #yourtruth #thetruth #theirtruth #abusehasnogender #npd #bpd #narcissist #borderline #histrionic
RT @ShawnMendes@twitter.com
Thank you @calvinklein #MYTRUTH #MYCALVINS x https://t.co/L7JldrZ3xu