[Repost du blog]
Le jeu vidéo Starfield est-il trop long ? [Avis de mauvaise foi]
J'ai testé une heure ou deux ce jeu très attendu et mon sentiment reste mitigé:
1. qualités techniques oblige, le jeu est très lent... mais TRÈS lent sur ma config moyenne. Chargements longuets, ralentissements prononcés même pour entrer dans le menu (on parle d'une jeu qui se fige cinq ou six secondes)... ➜ difficile à [...]
I believe a fair and impartial justice system, where no one is above the law, is probably the greatest virtue a society can have.
@adam, every passport has an RFID chip. You were probably forced to keep it in your hand to avoid shielding. It's been a request from the USA that Yerpeans had to comply to. So that, I estimate, is how they got your face. Either from or through the RFID. #mytwocents
Mesdames le rouge à lèvres rouge c’est une arme ultime 😁
Messieurs, mettez du parfum ou à fortiori quelque chose qui vous fait sentir bon. Le parfum est très largement délaissé par les hommes, ça va vous démarquer 😁
Je suis sujet aux jambes lourdes et quand les symptômes se manifestent (sensation de gonflement, gêne dans les mollets/pieds/chevilles voire douleurs), j'ai des chaussettes de contention: le soulagement est immédiat et elles ne donnent pas chaud. On peut les garder sur de longues périodes ou ne les mettre que quelques dizaines de minutes...
L'été, je leur préfère quand même l'eau froide sur les jambes... ^^
I feel points 2 and 4 are valid. One is a desire for socialism, the other one is a classic instance of class struggle (OOP pun intended).
I think point 3 can be explained by @rauchg's adage: "it's hard to forego efficiency" [1]. We'd love to not give our money to Jeff Bezos, but it's too damn convenient sometimes.
Point 1 however seems a bit extreme: money itself is just a tool. How a few people abuse it is what's bad.
@habichthorn würden alle hierherziehen, statt drüben weiter auf Besserung zu hoffen, würde das auch schneller gehen. #mytwocents
@60pencilgirl I like using emojis. I feel like it helps getting some more context about a post. Like a face and hands do during an IRL talk.
@chowderman @t_mkdf @anderspuck @Loukas @kallekn @AndersGottlieb @mok0 #mytwocents Very interesting discussion.
The damage of the dam is absolutely massive. most of the concrete wall of the dam, which spans about 200m has collapsed. That is something that seems impossible to do with missiles and the structure itself was in control of the russians. I find it hard to think, then that Ukraine could have done it.
Is it possible that Ukraine was trying to take the dam in an offensive and russians blew it?
Australia has again dropped in global arms export/import rankings for 2022 despite #Asia #Pacific & #Oceania remaining top importing regions according to SIPRI.
#mytwocents It's actually worse because despite the figures, Australian arms exports last year were either gifted patrol boats under a regional maritime security program & surplus 'military aid' equipment sent to Ukraine to bolster its armed forces. Hence, no actual export revenue.
#auspol #trade #weapons
#asia #pacific #Oceania #mytwocents #auspol #trade #weapons
I’ve been using Apple Music (on 2 months trial) for only a few days and i still think the interface (gui) sucks compared to Spotify. The only positive thing that i like is the lossless audio option. #mytwocents
I don’t think promoting mastodon.social will bring the end of the #Fediverse, but in order not to aggravate other instances I think mastodon.social should be limited to:
- no more than one attachment
- no more than 256 characters
- no more than 1 post per day
- no more than 5 followers
- accounts get deleted after 6 months
That way people can try the Fediverse and if they like it they can move to another server.
“Conservative lawmakers generally have backed the movement by saying the bills protect children or (get this) correct overly broad protections, particularly for transgender people.”
(We need to stop calling them “Conservative lawmakers” and call them bigoted lawmakers #MyTwoCents)
I think most of us who came from twttr would agree that dropping the fascist-sympathizing vehicle of a billionaire man-boy for mastodon was a right thing to do. However there are downsides which I for one didn't anticipate. As a musician, mastodon has not served as well as twttr did, with respect to interest shown and sales of my music. The drop off coincides and is vast. I am on social media to promote my music. Anything beyond that is extra. Yes, I have met a small handful of people I like to consider my friends. Truly.
I am so grateful for that but for this musician - speaking only as a musician - the past was better.
@schlink CC By-SA is my usual go to:
There are serious issues with clarity of any -NC license, check the thread here:
There are other serious issues with -ND licenses, check my (CC By-SA licensed) blogpost here:
And I consider CC By to just be too permissive.
hold the “away” note trey then u can modulate(?) the “yah” #phish #coil #mytwocents bc
@drwho @lispi314 True. Also the literal pain and downtime are mitigated with a good chair. Julie made me go get mine out of storage because the shit gamer chair in the loft Is Not for sitting in front of the computer 8+ hours per day.
If you nerd hard, a good chair is a Required tool of the trade.
As a goofy aside you could just drive around Redmond for a few days, someone is always moving and abandoning their spendy, high-end, new chair.
By #SpaceX not picking the side of #democracy… and #freedom; they picked the side of #Putin and #Wagner and the rape and murder of girls… and slaughter of civilians… #ElonMusk #MyTwoCents
Maybe #Musk and friends should go spend some time in a war zone… and get some real perspective!
#spacex #democracy #freedom #putin #wagner #elonmusk #mytwocents #musk
I don't know why it's so hard for people to clear the #snow off their cars BEFORE they start driving so the can actually see where they're going and not cause an accident. I mean it's common sense, but seems very few people possess this anymore #MyTwoCents #Mastodon #Toronto
#toronto #Mastodon #mytwocents #Snow