Naked in the garden. /
Nackt im Garten.
#nsfw #nude #candaulism #porn #sex #photography #vulva #wife #myWife #nip
#nip #mywife #wife #vulva #photography #sex #porn #candaulism #nude #NSFW
In summer only without panties under the short dress.
#nsfw #nude #candaulism #porn #sex #photography #vulva #wife #myWife #nip
#nip #mywife #wife #vulva #photography #sex #porn #candaulism #nude #NSFW
My wife at a fairground, lightly dressed.
#nsfw #nude #candaulism #porn #sex #photography #vulva #wife #myWife #nip
#nip #mywife #wife #vulva #photography #sex #porn #candaulism #nude #NSFW
#MyWife - #JohnEntwistle's Rigor Mortis - #OldGreyWhistleTest #1973 - YouTube
Live version of Entwistle’s song which initially appeared on the album Who’s Next in #1971.
#mywife #johnentwistle #oldgreywhistletest #whosnext
I don’t mean to get #onhere and brag, but #mywife made an absolutely stellar #ShepherdsPie tonight.
#mywife bought a "milk frother" from a company named "SMEG".
This is a joke, right?
I'll be a bit quiet today, my other half is going into hospital for a biopsy under anaesthetic.
And yeah, it's a 'possible lady cancer' investigation. So we're scared to death. I'm even terrified she'll not come back to me from being put under.
Sorry tearing up here, but I did have to tell somebody over it - she wants things kept quiet from friends & family - I needed to get a few fears out there.
So sorry not sorry guys :) Scared.....
#cancer #mywife
One of the rare pics I have of my wife and I where she's not wearing a mask due to dysphoria. The second one is when we moved to New Mexico. The excited kid gave permission for this photo to be shared.
#family #MyWifeThinksImInsane #mywife #transgenderman #transgenderlife #transgenderfamilies
#family #MyWifeThinksImInsane #mywife #transgenderman #transgenderlife #transgenderfamilies
@jetsmetsclown @neoncoughh yeah, 100%. People think they can’t test for it though, lol. #MyWife works in recovery
Hosting LP in Memphis because #MyWife would probably want to meet everybody
Almost daily, I have sneezing attacks. I’ll sneeze 5-10 times, sometimes more. I keep kleenex next to everywhere I sit in the house. My wife cracks up when I’m at the end of an attack and I feign sneeze. I understand it’s amusing, but by then, I’m annoyed and exhausted, so I give her a dirty look or utter an inflammatory remark. #AboutMe #Sneezing #Allergies #MyWife #Borat
#borat #mywife #allergies #sneezing #aboutme