#GetSmart 028 (1966) - 7/10
Guest star: #HaroldJStone (#MyWorldAndWelcomeToIt).
1️⃣ 2nd part of 2-parter doesn't lose momentum. Much mileage got from the various suspects all making the same unique sound when they move.
2️⃣ Many good gags. Best gag: Max struggling/failing with a deckchair in background, while 99 casually chats to Chief on phone. They switch positions; 99 instantly gets the chair set-up. Very funny.
#getsmart #haroldjstone #myworldandwelcometoit #60stv #comedy
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #catweazle #highlander #midnightcaller #perfectstrangers #batman #foreverknight #myworldandwelcometoit #riptide #soap #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #benson #fernwoodtonight #hardcastleandmccormick #thehunger #idreamofjeannie #scoobydoo #taxi #talesfromthecrypt #thisisdavidlander #tjhooker #waroftheworlds #dustystrail #magnumpi #areyoubeingserved #viper
#MyWorldAndWelcomeToIt 20 (1970) - 9/10
#NevaPatterson guests.
1️⃣ This one breaks formula somewhat. If a show as consistently imaginative as this can be said to have a formula. In many instances, John’s relationship with his daughter drives the story. This time, Ellen drives the story. And #JoanHotchkis gets much more to do. John, meanwhile, is mostly reacting to his wife’s suspicions (about him having an affair).
#myworldandwelcometoit #nevapatterson #joanhotchkis