Not the smallest of them: Wolf's Milk Slimemold.
#nature #myxomycetes #macrophotography #macro #slimemold
かな? #photography #変形菌 #myxomycetes
#photography #変形菌 #myxomycetes
Ongelooflijk mooie fotos van een bizar wezen https://www.barrywebbimages.co.uk/Images/Macro/Slime-Moulds-Myxomycetes/ #myxomycetes
I felt so guilty fobbing you all off with a Slime Mould for #FungiFriday in my last post, so I've decided to post another photo, but at least this time I'm pretty sure what it is as I had an expert ID it for me.
This is one of the 50+ species in the genus Arcyria. It is impossible to identify as an individual species without use of microscopy and observation as it evolves.
#Friday #Fungi #Fungiverse #Mushtodon #Mycology #Sporerespondence #Myxomycetes #Slime #Mold #Mould #Photo #Photography
#FungiFriday #Friday #fungi #fungiverse #mushtodon #mycology #sporerespondence #myxomycetes #slime #mold #mould #photo #photography
Okay, so I know it's not technically fungi, but it's close enough for me.
I think we're looking at Tubifera ferruginosa, commonly known as Red Raspberry Slime Mold.
#Friday #FungiFriday #Fungi #Fungiverse #Mushtodon #Mycology #Sporerespondence #Myxomycetes #Slime #Mold #Mould #Photo #Photography
#Friday #FungiFriday #fungi #fungiverse #mushtodon #mycology #sporerespondence #myxomycetes #slime #mold #mould #photo #photography
' “Mum! Mum! I think I’ve found a slime mold!”
“No. NO??!!!” I shouted, sticking my feet halfway into my trainers and rushing out to my six-year-old daughter in our garden....
She pointed out a mass of tiny maroon tubes, clumped together on old damp pallets. The wood was loose, so I picked it up and fetched my hand lens. It was a mother-fucking slime mold. In my garden. In my garden! Holy shit. The hunt was really on. '
It’s Sunday so it’s time for myxomycetes. This is either #leocarpusfragilis or #badhamiautricularis. I can’t always tell them apart.
#slimemoldsunday #myxomycetes #shroomsong
#shroomsong #myxomycetes #slimemoldsunday #badhamiautricularis #leocarpusfragilis
J'ai un vieux copain qui est mycologue, spécialiste des #myxomycètes.
Il m'a offert une carte d'une photo issue de ses travaux.
📷©️ Michel Poulain
(C'est une photo de photo, mais c'est 🤩 je trouve)
Encountered while out wandering...
I think this is Eggshell Slime Mould (Leocarpus fragilis); we've come across this one in a nearby location a couple of times this year. Photo 1 shows it in its plasmodial (creeping) stage, with photos 2 to 4 showing the gradual forming of fruiting bodies. Those little baked-bean-looking bobbles will turn grey after this.
#slimemould #slimemold #macrophotography #nature #myxomycetes
#myxomycetes #nature #macrophotography #slimemold #slimemould
Slime molds ...
They are not mushrooms, not plants and not animals. They don't actually belong to anything, they belong to themselves.
Slime molds seem to come from another planet, unearthly almost. The growth forms are extraordinary, all stages!
These pencil drawings are inspired by my own observation and experience and imagination.
#slimemold #christmas
#experiences #drawing #myxomycetes #fabercastellpolychromos #observations #fungi #fairytales
#fairytales #fungi #observations #FaberCastellPolychromos #myxomycetes #drawing #experiences #christmas #slimemold
@colinpurrington I am facing a similar ID problem with this one. I think the brown one is D.P. but what is happening here? Two different slimemolds? It started out 2 days earlier as just the brown one. If it's both D.P. they are certainly very variable.
#SlimeMold #Myxomycetes
This slime mold is one of my more controversial #iNaturalist observations. I thought it was an immature Dictydiaethalium plumbeum but most say it's a Tubifera magna. I'm still torn. Close-ups in link if you'd like to weigh in (with thanks). Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. #SlimeMould #SlimeMold #Myxomycetes
#inaturalist #slimemould #slimemold #myxomycetes
Some #slimemold art I am working at last week!
Inspired by nature, the magical world we live in ...
This pencil drawing is based on my own observations, of different stages of one slime mold species, the physarum. It was fun to do, I will definitely make more of these kinds of drawings.
#myxomycetes #physarum #drawing #fabercastellpolychromos #fungi #slimemoldart
#slimemoldart #fungi #FaberCastellPolychromos #drawing #Physarum #myxomycetes #slimemold
Plasmodiocarp of Hemitrichia serpula. I initially thought that this was a pretzel coated with peanut butter (that's a thing, and quite good), dropped on the log by an earlier hiker during a snack break. Took me a full second, maybe two, to realize my mistake. Apparently quite common but I've never seen one again. #slimemould #slimemould #myxomycetes #PretzelSlimeMold
#slimemould #myxomycetes #PretzelSlimeMold
Springtail hanging out on a slime mold plasmodium #Myxomycetes #Collembola #slimemoldsunday
#slimemoldsunday #Collembola #myxomycetes
Plasmodium of Cribraria aurantiaca found under the bark of a decaying pine tree, its favorite. I've gone back to this location multiple times but have never found fruiting bodies. Even tried rearing it at home, without success. The sporangia of the genus have unique peridial nets that trap the spores inside ... and thus resemble tomatillo fruit when they are left to dry on the plant. #slimemould #slimemold #myxomycetes #myxogastria #cribraria #oobleck
#slimemould #slimemold #myxomycetes #myxogastria #cribraria #oobleck
It's more than just the slime molds. It's also the invertebrates we meet along the way. #Myxomycetes
The first two photos show what I think is Eggshell Slime Mould (Leocarpus fragilis) in its plasmodial (creeping) stage, when it can move several feet a day. The next two images show the formation of fruiting bodies... Teeny-weeny little baked beans on strings. I read somewhere that slime moulds were the inspiration for the film 'The Blob'.
#slimemould #slimemold #macrophotography #nature #myxomycetes
#myxomycetes #nature #macrophotography #slimemold #slimemould
Because it is #slimemoldsunday
some slime-mold art I made last year inspired by my observations. I made them of enamel-glass melted on copper.
#slimemold #myxomycetes #mycology #mushroomspotting #nature #appearances #disappearances and #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #nature #mushroomspotting #mycology #myxomycetes #slimemold #slimemoldsunday