@metin Since you seem interested in graphics, #pc1211 had basically none; single line of 24? chars, until someone found a way to derail BASIC interpreter and access the first columns of pixels.
You could access pixels natively on #pc1500, but again display was small. 4 colors plotter was amazing.
#mz80k had an interesting font with symbols
#mz80b could display 40 or 80 columns text and 2 switchable graphic pages, all ORed together. Could be used for page flipping, etc.
@metin First personal computer I touched in 1980 was a #Micral (80-20?), thanks to a high school professor that gave me access to one
Then I had several #Sharp computers, a #pc1211 that my father bought, then temporary access to a #pc1500 (with small plotter!), #mz80k and #mz80b, thanks to a Sharp reseller (Mr #Laussucq, in #Dax).
Got my first #ibmpc #Thomson clone in 1983 or 1984.
#Micral #sharp #pc1211 #pc1500 #mz80k #mz80b #laussucq #dax #ibmpc #thomson