@metin Since you seem interested in graphics, #pc1211 had basically none; single line of 24? chars, until someone found a way to derail BASIC interpreter and access the first columns of pixels.
You could access pixels natively on #pc1500, but again display was small. 4 colors plotter was amazing.
#mz80k had an interesting font with symbols
#mz80b could display 40 or 80 columns text and 2 switchable graphic pages, all ORed together. Could be used for page flipping, etc.
@metin First personal computer I touched in 1980 was a #Micral (80-20?), thanks to a high school professor that gave me access to one
Then I had several #Sharp computers, a #pc1211 that my father bought, then temporary access to a #pc1500 (with small plotter!), #mz80k and #mz80b, thanks to a Sharp reseller (Mr #Laussucq, in #Dax).
Got my first #ibmpc #Thomson clone in 1983 or 1984.
#Micral #sharp #pc1211 #pc1500 #mz80k #mz80b #laussucq #dax #ibmpc #thomson
Extreme repair friendly case of the #Sharp #MZ80K. On the other hand it runs without problems more than 40 years now. And except the monitor ROM absolutely untinkered.
Did the hardware developers not have confidence in their own product?
"Mit den alten Computern konnte man doch gar nix machen!", hold my beer: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=mFZGdzzsTSI #Sharp #MZ80K #EPROM #Eierschneider #Debugger #Lokalisierung
#sharp #mz80k #eprom #eierschneider #debugger #Lokalisierung
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