#pota from ON-0522. CW only on 14050.
90W RF into vertical, feedpoint 5m high, 2 drooping tuned radials.
Homemade trailer ball hitch support for 11m pole.
RBN picked me up with strong sigs in USA at my sunset. A bunch of Yanks worked. Yay!
Always #N1MMlogger for the win.
Beefy #victronenergy Peakpowerpack LiFePO⁴ batt.
The FT-710 is an over-complex rig. Shoulda RTFM.
Lightweight paddles need fixing. Had to hold 'm with other hand.
Next /P iteration will be better.
More to say than fits here. 73
#victronenergy #n1mmlogger #pota
The rig/P in flight case? ✅
CAT with #n1mmlogger ✅
USB audio coded works? ✅
Another step closer to my 1st #parksonthair
#pota #hamradio #parksonthair #n1mmlogger
I had planned to spend most of the evening on 40m working NA (to get some 6-point QSOs). I am glad I stayed so long on 15m and then 20m because when I eventually went to 40m there were mostly EU stations (2-point QSOs).
Since I am not that experienced on choosing the right band, I rely on information from The Available Mults and Qs Window to help me decide. We have recently starting to use N1MM Logger+ so I am learning feature by feature.
#hamradio #n1mmlogger #WPX #contest
@dj3ei @vk6flab @ei7ijb
It's windows .NET based and tested so running it on another OS is 'all bets off'.
I stick to windows and avoid 'the unknown'.
I don't know if there is a platform-independent or Linux-centered logging software that has everything #n1mmlogger has?
@vk6flab has "open source" and "multi OS" as requirements, and I rather agree.
#n1mmlogger pretty much has the functionality needed, but needs fiddling with WINE to run on Linux and isn't open source.
Several years ago, I lost some two hours of a IARU HF CC extracting info out of a N1MM+WINE installation's database, when that installation had crashed and would not start, before continuing with CQRLog (not a good contest logger at that time and still isn't).
@on5zo @ei7ijb
@KC1PRD If you plan to do more contests, N1MMLogger is the platinum standard. Makes the right files for all purposes.
Check it out (if you feel like it).