@DerNarkotiseur Eventuell steht das #Technologieoffenheit der #fdp für wir verbreiten unsere Wahrheit, dank #KKR #Springer #welt #N24 #Lehfeldt #lindner nur für, wir tricksen euch alle 2x aus, betreiben weiter unseren #fossil #lobbyismus und sichern uns #spitzenpositionen in der #Wirtschaft , denn ihr müsst verstehen, wenn uns der ganze Kram um die Ohren fliegt, ist sich schließlich jeder selbst der nächste und außerdem machen die anderen #cdu #csu
#schröder ‘s etc. es ja auch so???
#Technologieoffenheit #fdp #kkr #springer #welt #n24 #Lehfeldt #lindner #fossil #lobbyismus #spitzenpositionen #wirtschaft #cdu #csu #schroder
I try to keep shenanigans with sleep to a minimum. I live with #N24, #cataplexy w/o narcolepsy, and #hypersomnia. But I still do things against wherever my free-running circadian rhythm is, because life just requires that sometimes for better or worse. Yesterday I finished a book called "Our Woman in Moscow". Today I stayed up late for errands. Sleep has been a bit shit this week & my body punishes me with the muscles aches you get after exercise, but you feel it all over, esp. in joints.
“What is wrong with that car?”
“The Antriebswellekugeln fell out.”
“What is that?”
“A very long German word. That’s all I know.”
I have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, now more similar to N24 (non-24), but formerly DSPD (Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder). This video made me cry. I should have watched it instead of saving it a month ago.
Feeling like 50% of my normal life happens between 7pm and 5am, not being able to function in the morning, missing events, "business hours", all the chronic illnesses & nausea. Despite years of "sleep aids" and bright light exposure.
Social structures & capitalism hate nighttime.
#sleepDisorder #non24 #n24 #dspd
Net pas wakker geworden en mijn ontbeitje op.
Een nieuwe dag is begonnen!
#vertraagdeslaapfasesyndrome #slaapstoornissen #slaapstoornis #sleepdisorder #non24hour #n24 #vrijlopendeklok #freerunningclock #freerunner #slaap #sleep #wakker #nightowl #nachtdieren #imagerepost
#imagerepost #nachtdieren #nightowl #wakker #sleep #slaap #freerunner #freerunningclock #vrijlopendeklok #n24 #non24hour #sleepdisorder #slaapstoornis #slaapstoornissen #vertraagdeslaapfasesyndrome #delayedsleepphasesyndrome #DSPS #slaapstoornissucks
A night at the office - time to explore.
#nightshift #work #office #officeatnight #asneubau #axelspringerneubau #nachtdienst #nachtschicht #urbex #architecture #remkoolhaas #welt #welttv #n24 #berlin https://instagr.am/p/CTuXteLq4kg/
#axelspringerneubau #nachtdienst #welttv #n24 #work #officeatnight #nachtschicht #nightshift #urbex #architecture #remkoolhaas #office #asneubau #welt #berlin
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