RT @McFunkypants@twitter.com
Today is #n7day! no idea what that means?
don't feel bad, N7 refers to an obscure bit of trivia in the awesome game series Mass Effect. N7 is the highest level you can get in the Interplanetary Combatives Training (ICT) (special forces). So now you know! Yay mass effect
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/McFunkypants/status/1589662976520646657
#N7Day always brings me sadness. I remember when I won an N7 hoodie on the Bioware forums... and I never received it =(
RT @RachAsakawa@twitter.com
Happy #N7day with the two improbable besties 🤣
Doing this shoot was really a dream come true!
Me as Miranda
@rizzyunn@twitter.com as Jack
📸 @ronaldoichi@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RachAsakawa/status/1589461969480085506
Because I wasn't here for #N7Day I thought I would share the art I did this year. 💖✨
I'm also looking for fellow #MassEffect friends!
#Bioware aprovechando el #N7day para alimentar el hype por encima de mis posibilidades… #MassEffect #ShepardReturns #DraTSoniSupongo
#bioware #n7day #masseffect #shepardreturns #dratsonisupongo
Concept art for the next Mass Effect game:
RT @masseffect@twitter.com
ICYMI: Check out new concept art from the next #MassEffect game that we shared on #N7Day!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/masseffect/status/1591476079478591490
Concept art for the next Mass Effect game:
RT @masseffect@twitter.com
ICYMI: Check out new concept art from the next #MassEffect game that we shared on #N7Day!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/masseffect/status/1591476079478591490
yo después del anuncio del #N7Day de BioWare: voy a reinstalar el #MassEffect Legendary Edition que lo echo de menklos 👀
yo después de entrar en un discord español de dragon age tres días más tarde: no, mejor instalo por millonésima vez el #DragonAgeInquisition 👀👀👀
#n7day #masseffect #dragonageinquisition
Whelp, that's me hankering to dive back in.
Yet again!
Even when I think I'm done with it, it's beautifully haunting score makes me feel like I simply cannot *not* exist in that universe.
#masseffect #bioware #ME3 #mele #n7day
@mcneely SAME. #MassEffect is my favorite game series of all time. What's your favorite class to play as? I love playing vanguard. I didn't see a ton of #N7Day posts on here (my server was down for most of the day) but I posted my own Shepard build when we were back online. I can't count how many times I played the og trilogy, but the Legendary Edition will always be special to me since I got to work on that one ❤️
Dwa dni temu #bioware podczas #n7day puściło krótki filmik, z zaszyfrowaną wiadomością. Dało to oczywiście całą masę do rozmów o teoriach fanów. Oczywiście, nic wielkiego, ale ma on pewne implikacje w tym, która wersja zakończenia będzie kanoniczna.
Sporo ludzi rzuciło się do konkluzji, że kanoniczne jest zakończenie zniszczenia (aka kolor czerwony). Ma to implikować brak Żniwiaża na ekranie. Jest z tym jednak jeden problem — na ścieżce audio Liara rozmawia z Gethem. Jak wszyscy wiedzą, kolor czerwony miał zniszczyć wszystkie syntetyki w galaktyce. Taki sam los spotka EDI, Gethów, jak i Żniwiarzy. To więc raczej odpada.
Według mnie kanonicznym zakończeniem będzie zielone — synteza między maszynami a organikami. Wniosek wyciągam z tego, że Liara rozmawia z Gethem bez użycia żadnego translatora, a Geth wydaje swoje charakterystyczne pierdnięcia.
Oczywiście jest szansa, że twórcy nowej części mają w dupie wydarzenia trylogii i kanoniczność wydarzeń. Wtedy czeka nas kolejna Andromeda. ;)
#teoriefanow #masseffect #fantheory #n7day #bioware
I'm gonna need people to stop getting me hype for a game that's not going to be out for a long time
#n7day #masseffect make this happen :'O https://wandering.shop/web/@nicasiosilang/109306775012631047
A bit late but i just remembered i had this hoody #N7Day #MassEffect #selfie
RT @LazareGvimradze@twitter.com
Just when you thought I was done with #N7Day, here's me with a dynamite jellyfish ready to enkindle your socks off. Possibly the most fun I've ever had on an illustration; done for @bioware@twitter.com whom I love very-very much.♥️ Let's get those tentacles up, Blasto nation 🐙 #n7day2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LazareGvimradze/status/1589770845823848448
happy #n7day - the day where i cry for 24 hours over my love for miranda lawson
N7 Day | Modding Showcase | EHAS Mod Team | #N7Day 2022 https://bihlink.com/watch/?v=QqCGOgE1nPE
RT @SamMaggs@twitter.com
Happy #N7Day from me and my still in progress Shep and Boo tattoo https://instagram.com/ajmartin.tattoos?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Fun fact: before playing Mass Effect I had only ever handsewn costumes. I loved these games so much that I was determined to learn how to make cosplay armor so I could be Commander Shepard. It was not easy, but I'm still so proud of my first ever armor build. #N7Day #CommanderShepard #Femshep #cosplay #MassEffect
#masseffect #cosplay #Femshep #CommanderShepard #n7day
I had a ton of N7 Day posts planned, but then the server I'm on was out of service for most of the day. #JustMastodonThings I guess?? I'll just sneak a few more posts in before midnight when the Mako turns into a pumpkin 😂 Here's my casual Tali'Zorah vas Normandy 💜 immunocompromised queens gotta stick together 😷#TaliZorah #spoonie #cosplay #N7Day #N7 #MassEffect
#masseffect #n7 #n7day #cosplay #spoonie #TaliZorah #JustMastodonThings