Ed Suominen · @edsuom
1715 followers · 541 posts · Server hachyderm.io

I live on some wooded acres behind a locked driveway gate. Tired of people and their . So when I let in some contractors to do some work outside, guess what I had stuck to my face regardless of what they might have thought? Yes, an w a pair of dry-eye Rx glasses to keep their out of my eyes & not just my nose. Our interaction (outside) was just for a few minutes.

Extreme? Well, one of them turned out to have a nasty cough. I like not worrying about that.

#viruses #Elastomeric #n95 #aerosol

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeremy Mallin · @JeremyMallin
213 followers · 2671 posts · Server autistics.life

We're going to spend some time walking on a trail in a park with one other friend today. She usually doesn't mask, but she will today. I'm thinking if we all wear well-fitting masks outside, it should be ok.

I'm not wrong, am I? Should we be wearing our better masks outside with her too?

#kn95 #n95 #covidprecautions #immunocomprised #autoimmune #covidisairborne

Last updated 1 year ago

trendless · @trendless
2218 followers · 9611 posts · Server zeroes.ca
Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
431 followers · 1414 posts · Server masto.ai

hospital admissions are up 15.7% in the past week.

Stay safe!

#covid #covidisnotover #maskup #n95 #longcovid

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
430 followers · 1407 posts · Server masto.ai

Friendly Reminder

to give friendly reminders to friends and family who might not stay up on the news

who may mask but have gotten lax the past few months

who you can give just one little "Oh hey we're in a surge, please be safe"

without nagging or yelling or

*flailing Kermit arms*

Stay Safe!!

#covidisnotover #covid #longcovid #maskup #n95

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
432 followers · 1389 posts · Server masto.ai

Yep, Grandpa Joe is holding (not wearing) a (black) "floppy blue" surgical , NOT an .

His "jokes" are dangerous.

He's setting precedent for people to laugh off this deadly .

His wife has FFS!

Yesterday there was speculation that he put the mask on after the video clip but this shows he didn't.


He's going to lose this freaking election.


#mask #n95 #pandemic #covid #covidisnotover

Last updated 1 year ago

ZorroCOVID · @themaskerscomic
521 followers · 2124 posts · Server forall.social
trendless · @trendless
2218 followers · 9611 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Kids respirators update:

The Kimberly-Clark duckbill N95 in small (54066) seems to fit *excellent* on my 3 and 5yo; 1yo's head is almost as big as 3, so expect it'll fit well, too

These are the first ones that seem to fit well enough to bother with a DIY qualitative fit test -- hoping to do one soon 🀞

Downside is the straps. They're good on first wear, but stretch enough that I assume fit will be worse, hence. There might be space on the edges of the 'bill' to staple on some new ones, though; might test a few hacks

Cost <$100CAD for a 50pk


#COVIDisAirborne #maskup #weararespirator #n95 #BringBackMasks

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
429 followers · 1343 posts · Server masto.ai

Tried to edit and added this diagram from The Clean Air Crew website but I can't add alt text on edit.

"Someone in my home has . How do we isolate safely?"

for complete description of layout


#covid #alttxt #covidisnotover #isolate #n95 #maskup #longcovid

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
429 followers · 1343 posts · Server masto.ai

Do you know what to do to protect yourself if someone in your household gets ?

Plan now. There's a surge going on & if you're ready, you won't have to think too much.What I would do/have done:

1. on everyone in shared spaces
2. 15+ min w/window open between shared space usage
3. Air cleaners/ boxes
4. Stay/eat in bedroom
5. Towel rolled at bottom of door
6. Window cracked, attached bathroom fan on
7. Mouthwash w/CHC
8. Central air/heat off

#covid #n95 #corsirosenthal #covidisnotover #longcovid

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
424 followers · 1316 posts · Server masto.ai

@TruthSandwich @QasimRashid

OMG please do better research.

is not and will not be endemic.

I'm done with this conversation if you don't even have a basic understanding.

Have a lovely rest of your day.

#covid #covidisnotover #longcovid #covidisairborne #n95 #maskup

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
416 followers · 1295 posts · Server masto.ai

There's all kinds of articles with headlines along the lines of "What you need to know about and what to do if you get it"



*flailing Kermit arms*

Has everyone been living completely and utterly out of touch with reality the last 4 years???

Oh right.


Stay safe.

(I know if you're reading this, you do)

#covid #maskup #covidisnotover #longcovid #covidisairborne #n95

Last updated 1 year ago

ZorroCOVID · @themaskerscomic
510 followers · 2091 posts · Server forall.social

We ARE in a surge, we ARE seeing increases in cases and hospitalizations, prior infection does NOT prevent future infection, repeat infections=worse outcomes, and we aren't capturing near the number of actual cases: cnn.com/2023/09/01/health/covi , Half our population is considered vulnerable. We matter! We CAN stop this! Stop telling people we are a necessary sacrifice. Stop neglecting long covid. Start calling for wsws.org/en/articles/2023/09/0

#maskup #n95 #masks #masksinhealthcare

Last updated 1 year ago

CaroltheCrone · @CaroltheCrone
274 followers · 951 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

This is why I want the unvarnished truth from public officials about

I can handle it.

What I can't handle is obfuscation, pandering and white-washing.


#COVID19 #cdc #covid #n95 #publichealth #health

Last updated 1 year ago

ZorroCOVID · @themaskerscomic
509 followers · 2082 posts · Server forall.social

Whyyyy in 2023 is the new CDC director Mandy Cohen saying you need to just wash your hands and vaccinate for the new surge, when we know this is mostly spread in aerosols!!! Unacceptable. She says nothing about , when they are the number one way to PREVENT INFECTION (along with ) AND that 70% of cases are asymptomatic (they shed the same amt as symptomatic) It's apparent that



#n95 #masks #cleantheair #cohenisntcoherent #maskupmandy

Last updated 1 year ago

trendless · @trendless
2218 followers · 9611 posts · Server zeroes.ca

There's one layer of swiss cheese that I would never omit:


This is the only layer that can prevent close-proximity transmission.

As long as you're wearing one that you know seals to your face and isn't soaked or super old, it's going to protect you from all the invisible ways can get into your nose and mouth.

And even if you haven't proven that it seals, it's damp, or you've worn it a bunch of times before, it's still going to provide more protection than any other layer(s).

Please, please don't think you can compensate for being unmasked by utilizing combinations of other layers.

All the other layers are designed to make a respirator more effective or provide backup in the event a respirator lets a bit of something through. Even vaccines were trialled in the context of universal masking; their original efficacy numbers are a product of that environment.

If you can't get your hands on any respirators, reach out and I'll connect you to someone in your region who can help. If I have to ship you some myself, I will.


#trojanair #makeyourmaskworkbetter #maskup #weararespirator #n95 #ffr #P100 #elastomeric

Last updated 1 year ago

Malo Potato · @malorypotato
32 followers · 143 posts · Server anticapitalist.party

I'm going to work in a bar soon, and i'd like recommendations on masks that are transparent. I remember seeing some early pandemic, but can't find any references. And i wonder if any exist that are ffp2/N95 quality?
Boost welcome

#covid #masks #mask #FFP2 #n95

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
425 followers · 2029 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@novid @VeeRat @Rachel_Thorn @Pineywoozle @Kjl
I’m actually still wearing a cloth mask to this day, albeit it’s 6 layers of different fibers to create max electrostatic effect & the fit FAR surpasses my initial design; mechanical filtration is a thingπŸ˜‰

In 2020-mid-2021 was less contagious meaning it took more time to get tipping point

Tbh gets you <⏱️these days too..

this study interesting & where I got the multi-layered approach

To be clear, if I have to take the subway during high peak, I will don a😷 & πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸš€
The air is so saturated w/virions it’s simply not safe to have just a mask. If I can keep it below 1.5 hours, will do the necklace & now hold it millimeters from my face. I really should get an elastomeric, but there no way my spouse will let me traipse around in it. I already sneak out w/the πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸš€ b/c he’s afraid people will target me

Long story short, your masks you made for people were a super thingπŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’›πŸ’—πŸŒˆ

#SARS2 #viralload #n95 #nyc #microclimateair2 #HEPA

Last updated 1 year ago

Nili Kaplan-Myrth, MD PhD · @nilikm
6263 followers · 661 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

The chief of staff of @CHEO asked to in 2022. As an infectious diseases expert, she was shouted down by anti-vax/anti-maskers. As a trustee in , I still receive antisemitic death threats for my motion in Nov 2022 for @OCDSB to temporarily mask.

Facing the triple threat of and and , a layered approach is wisest again: , boosters, test, and support ppl to stay home when sick.


#ottawa #MaskUp #COVID #rsv #flu #n95 #COVIDVaccine

Last updated 1 year ago