Rita Portela (parody) · @westernspinster
482 followers · 319 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Smart is sexy. We are hot already & get even more gorgeous & fab when we wear an N95 or better. Masks are lit AF.

Giveaway generously sponsored by Alexander Riccio (On Twitter @co2trackers @ariccio)

Nominate the hottest mask-wearer! This could be you!

Design creative inspiration & collaboration with @IPEdmonton & (@NYCAntipodean on Twitter)

#WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #stillCOVIDing #n95orbetter #sarscov2 #masksarehot #maskup #MasksAreSexy

Last updated 1 year ago

Sean Boyer · @sb
142 followers · 1429 posts · Server fed.sbcloud.cc

In this article about causing ~900 deaths per year, my favourite part was the casual mention at the end that during this present "downswing", is still killing 450 PER DAY.

And that's just the US.


#norovirus #covid #wearamask #n95orbetter #staysafe

Last updated 2 years ago

Alison · @LAlison_58
59 followers · 64 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Shout out to the people masking with indoors and crowded places! You are wonderful, courageous, and excellent people. Keep going! I will, too.

#n95orbetter #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

Thinking of starting a mask mutual aid for NZ. What do people reckon?

I'll need some help in setting up a separate place to gather funds or I'll get cut off disability though is the only issue. Does anyone know how I can go about this and can anyone please help set something up because I simply don't have the energy.

Though I do have a WISE account it could go into if I can have help figuring out how to get the funds put into the card directly.

People will be able to post boxes of masks for redistribution to me and people can ask me for the masks and they will be posted some.
And I can collect funds to buy both N95s or better and also maybe some elastometric masks as well for people.

Just note I am disabled with extreme fatigue so if this becomes a thing that people are interested in contributing to and recieving from I'll be quite slow in getting them out because of how sick I am. I'll certainly do my best to get them out fast but again. I'm very sick and pushing myself can have devastating consequences so it'll be a slow project.
Masks ordered with cash to my wise account can probably be ordered and sent to people direct also so I won't need to get them in my hands to send them. Just an address and purchase a box or two.

#NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #NZToots #maskmutualaid #maskmutualaidnz #nztwips #nztweeter #NZMastodon #n95orbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

Thinking of starting a mask mutual aid for NZ. What do people reckon?

I'll need some help in setting up a separate place to gather funds or I'll get cut off disability though is the only issue. Does anyone know how I can go about this and can anyone please help set something up because I simply don't have the energy.

Though I do have a WISE account it could go into if I can have help figuring out how to get the funds put into the card directly.

#NZTwit #nztwitts #NZTwitter #NZToots #maskmutualaid #maskmutualaidnz #nztwips #nztweeter #NZMastodon #n95orbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

Alison · @LAlison_58
35 followers · 45 posts · Server zeroes.ca

The social pressure of the holiday season makes it hard to keep the boundaries you have for safety ( ) but it's critical to not cave. Most gatherings I decline, the pressure is crushing before, but after I usually hear "oh, so and so was at the party and has covid". Every unmasked indoor exposure with people outside your household may contribute to chains of infection.

#covid #rsv #influenza #germs #WearAMask #n95orbetter #ProtectTheKids #ProtectEachOther

Last updated 2 years ago

Sky 🇺🇦 ✊ · @Sky
92 followers · 109 posts · Server zeroes.ca
Alison · @LAlison_58
31 followers · 41 posts · Server zeroes.ca

is not how the works. The phrase "we're all getting sick now because we isolated/#lockdown" is widely circulating. It is not true. However, it is entirely possible that every other germ is proliferating because is known to cause don't be sucked in. We knew this could happen. We knew, and preferred protecting our vacuous lifestyles than protect each other.

#immunitydebt #immunesystem #covid19 #immunedamage #WearAMask #n95orbetter #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 2 years ago

Sky 🇺🇦 ✊ · @Sky
86 followers · 54 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@harmonicarichard while you are stating the obvious regarding TFG, this by no means exonerates Biden from any responsibility towards *leading* in this pandemic. I had high hopes for him, but unfortunately, from lying about the pandemic being over, to concealing information people need in order to protect themselves, he has failed and continues to fail, miserably!

#thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback #WearAMask #n95orbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

Sky 🇺🇦 ✊ · @Sky
86 followers · 54 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@harmonicarichard while you are stating the obvious regarding TFG, this by no means exoenrates Biden from any responsibility towards *leading* in this pandemic. I had high hopes for him, unfortunately, from lying about the pandemic being over, to concealing information people need in order to protect themselves, he has failed and continues to fail, miserably!

#thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback #WearAMask #n95orbetter

Last updated 2 years ago